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Jason's POV

One second I had you in my arms

The next second I was ripped away.


I talked with Josh over the phone as he discussed the latest developments with X.

Nothing new had come to the surface. Though, I had been waiting and searching for over a week now. I had been away from Miley for nearly 2 weeks and it was suffocating me.

I felt aching in every bone of my body as I thought about her. I wanted so bad to run back to her but I couldn't. Not now.

Josh had told me a little bit about how she was doing but I knew that he was leaving information out, probably because he didn't want to cause me any more pain. I was grateful for his lack of updates but at the same time, I needed to know every single detail about what she was doing and how she was doing.

I looked at my phone as Josh ran through what was going on—mostly repeating things that I already knew. I had been stalking Miley's social media accounts watching and waiting. It helped me feel closer to her.

I noticed a random tweet with a picture of Miley walking into a fancy hotel that was time-stamped with today's date.

"Uh, Josh. Where is Miley?" I asked cutting him off from his train of thought.

One of his ways of processing information was to talk about things out loud. I had agreed to listen because I thought it might help me as well but it only caused me more pain. The pain of the unknown.

"What do you mean?" He asked slowly and carefully.

"Don't fuck with me." I spat standing to my feet. I held my phone in my hand with the picture still on display. Something wasn't right and my senses had heightened.

"Miley went out for a bit...why?" Josh replied vaguely. I knew immediately that he knew more and that there was more going on here. I needed to know no matter how much it pained me.

I scrolled through some of the comments while looking for more information as Josh paused thinking of a way to respond to me.

"Why am I looking at a picture of her arriving at a hotel?" I asked as my anger grew. I wasn't mad at Josh I was mad at something else...something that I couldn't name.

Reading the comments many people were saying that Liam was staying at the same hotel. Some even tweeted pictures of him walking inside nearly 20 minutes before she did. There was something about the pictures that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Is she with Liam?" I asked. Anger was cutting through every word. I already knew the answer to that question but I needed to hear the confirmation.

"Yes," Josh breathed.

"What the actual fuck!" I shouted as I began to pace my small hotel room. I was mad for a few reasons.

One, they had let her leave the house. Two, they didn't inform me about this. Three, she was going to see Liam. Why was she going to see Liam? After everything that ass has put her through? I have only been gone for 2 weeks and she has already moved on? That was fast...too fast. There was more going on here and I knew it.

"She insisted and wouldn't take no for an answer," Josh said with a sigh.

"Then you should have called me," I said flatly.

I knew Miley was hard-headed and when she wanted something she got it but seriously.

"What would you have done?" Josh asked in a huff.

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