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Miley's POV

2 Months Later

"Miley," Steven said pulling out of my daydream.

I looked up and smiled at him as he walked inside my trailer.

"Steven," I nodded in his direction.

Brett, my head guard, got up and walked out of the trailer leaving Steven and me alone to talk.

"We are done," he said taking a seat in the chair across from me.

"I know, though it is hard to believe," I said letting out a small laugh.

"It has been quite a journey," Steven said with a sigh. "But, we made an excellent movie and I can't wait to see the premiere." Steven smiled.

"Editing should be done within the next few months. I hope you will be joining the promo tour?" Steven asked.

"Of course. Sara has already been planning my arrangements." I said.

"Yes, well I hope she has arranged for you to have some time off. After everything that has been happening. This whole stalker deserve a break." Steven said. 

He was right, I do need a break.

"Yeah, it has been a wild year." I shook my head. "I appreciate your patience," I said giving him a solemn look.

"If you ever need anything, just call," Steven said standing to his feet.

"Thank you," I said standing to my feet.

I gave Steven a hug and walked him out of the trailer.

"The car is out front," Brett said after Steven said goodbye. "I have all of your things."

"Okay," I nodded and followed closer next to him.

I said goodbye to some of the cast on my way-out and avoided being photographed by all means.

"Miley," Sara smiled as I climbed into the car.

"Sara," I smiled back at her. 

These days none of the smiles I had given people were real, they were fake. The pain of everything that has happened throughout the past couple of months, and even before that, was weighing me down. It was hard to stay afloat and it was hard to feel.

"The jet is waiting," she said before putting away her phone.

"Only Brett and I know where you are going. When you land you will be greeted by the house owner. Two guards will be staying right down the street from you monitoring and reporting everything back to Brett. If you need anything just call Brett or me." Sara said as the car began to drive.

"Okay," I nodded before pulling out my phone.

Aside from work, Sara and I didn't talk as much. I knew it was because of everything that had happened with Liam and Jason. It didn't help that I didn't know what to say to her. Half the time I just wanted to be alone and the other half I was digging into my work in order to avoid my constant thoughts of Jason.


After a few minutes of silence, we pulled up to the airstrip. Brett put my stuff on the jet as I said my goodbyes to Sara.

"I'll see you soon," I waved once more at Sara before getting on board.

Things had changed drastically over the past few months. I hadn't seen Jason since the incident with Liam. Jason didn't bother calling or coming by to visit me and I felt it was stupid for me to reach out.

After all, he is the one who ended the relationship and even if I didn't know why I wouldn't dare ask him. If he wanted to talk to me, he would.

I had a feeling that it had more to do with X, Liam, then anything else. But, I still wasn't going to be the one to reach out.

Josh had even told me that Jason was forced, even threatened, to stay away from me. I suppose that was to make me feel better, but when Jason didn't show up or call after Liam was taken in...I gave up trying to make excuses for him.

If Jason had truly cared or felt anything for me he would have reached out to me.

Josh had informed me that though they had caught Liam and had hard evidence that Liam was X there were still some loose ends. Liam had gotten involved with the wrong people and he was in debt to them. Unfortunately, those people still posed a threat to me.

Perhaps it is my money they want. I don't know and I don't really care. The past two months things had calmed down and I was grateful for that, but deep down I knew that it wasn't over.

After the incident, I had spent a week in the hospital and then I was released and filming began. Now that filming is over I am getting away from things. I'm not sure if it will help any but I do agree that a break is needed.

Jason is still a current thought that I can't get rid of no matter how hard I try. I constantly thought about reaching out to him but I can't get myself to do it. 

I was just a job for him. I was a job.

Considering everything that has been going on, he is still working for me. Josh and Sara suggested that Jason still be in charge of the guards. Brett reported to Jason as did everyone else. Jason knew my schedule better than I knew it.

These thoughts had been crippling me for far too long. I shook my head as I tried to take a nap before I arrived.


I woke up to the jet landing. I got up and gathered my things before getting off.

Once I was off the jet, an older man approached me with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello, I am Paul. I own the house you will be staying in." An older man said shaking my hand.

"It is nice to meet you," I smiled as I shook his hand.

"I have already put your stuff in the car, are you ready?" Paul asked walking to his car.

"Yes," I said following him to the car. He helped me in before getting in the passenger side and starting the car.

"The island has a lot of history." He said as he sped off of the airstrip and onto the dirt road.

"My house is a more remote part of the island and it is off-limits to the rest of the folks here as it is private property." He said as he sped down the bumpy dirt road.

"There is a brick wall that blocks people from seeing the place as well as lots of trees. You walk out the back door and you have your own private beach. I think you will be quite comfortable." He smiled at me.

"It sounds beautiful," I smiled back.

"It is a great getaway home." He chuckled. "There is also a good security system installed and I have cameras installed around the outside of the property just in case someone comes around. But, I have never had any problems so I doubt that you will." He said.

Paul continued driving as he told me some of the histories of the island. Once we arrive at the property he punched in a code to open the large gates.

"There is a car here if you ever decided to go into town," Paul said pulling into the driveway.

"It's beautiful," I said getting out of the car.

He grabbed my stuff and opened the front door before setting my things inside.

"Everything has been cleaned and stocked according to your specifications. If you have any trouble my phone number is on the fridge. I will be heading to the states on vacation but I have some friends in the area." He said as he walked back towards his car.

"Thank you," I smiled. He nodded and got in his car and drove away. I watched as his car disappeared and I heard the gate open and shut.

I walked into the house and let out a deep breath. This is exactly what I need.

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