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Miley's POV


The rain came and swept you away.

Away you went.

The rain came and took you away.

Away from me.


I hate the rain.


An overwhelming feeling surrounded me. A feeling of broken-ness was in the first wave. I watched as the black car drove away with Jason inside. I couldn't believe what I was seeing or feeling. It had all happened so fast.

"Miley," Josh said after what felt like hours had passed. "We should go inside," Josh said. He grabbed me by my shoulders and led me back into the house.

I hadn't even noticed that I was soaking wet until I entered the house but I didn't care.

Questions ran through my mind, questions I feared that would never be answered.

After Josh brought me back into the hose I went into my bedroom—the bedroom Jason and I had been sharing. Yesterday, things were so different. I never would have thought that life could change this much in less than 24 hours.

I should have known that it was all too good to be true. I should have seen this coming...but deep down nothing could have prepared me for this. Nothing. If I had a chance to do it all over again—to experience at least some of what Jason made me feel, even if it was only for a second, I would do it all over again..even if it would bring this pain again.

I found myself crumpled in a ball in the middle of the room as hot tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Memories played through my mind. Memories of the first time I met Jason.

Wave after wave flooded over me and I felt like I was dying—drowning—gasping for air. The tears were uncontrollable. The once silent tears were now loud screaming sobs. I had completely zoned out of everything around me as the pain immersed my body.

I couldn't believe that this was even happening. How had this happened? Just yesterday we were talking in hopes of a future with one another. We shared something so intimate. It wasn't just sex; I refuse to believe it was anything but love. Real love.

After what felt like years of emotional pain my body finally shut down. My mind still hadn't come to terms with anything and my dreams were full of Jason.


Dreams of you.

Dreams of me.

Dreams of us together, happily.


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