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Jason's p.o.v

"I feel like I don't even know you," Miley mumbled as she avoided my gaze.

"What do you mean?" I asked stopping her from leaving the kitchen. 

"I just, I don't think I know you." She sighed. I could tell by the fact that she didn't, or couldn't, look at me that she wasn't thrilled with me. I didn't blame her.

"I don't know what you want me to say." I shrugged. How could I even begin to tell her who or what I really was?

"Can you just leave?" She half demanded, half asked.

"Okay," I nodded and left her alone. 

I know that she is upset and I can understand why. We just got back from court where the judge finally moved in Miley's favor. It was a big win for Miley and I was happy for her, and she seemed pretty happy too. But, her mother and father had to start something. I should have expected it, I should have been prepared.

The judge made it clear that Miley was in control of her money and her life. He also made it clear that Billy and Tish were no longer allowed to withhold anything from Miley and they also weren't allowed to re-try this case again. No appeal, no nothing. And that is great news for Miley.

But, of course, Billy wasn't happy and neither was Tish. They had to sign off all their rights to Miley's money in court, because the judge had requested that. They didn't even have time to fully react before their names were removed from all things regarding Miley. Billy and Tish approached her after we were all released. I was in charge of walking Miley out and of course they came to 'talk'. 

* Flashback *

"I don't want to talk," Miley said as we were walking towards the car. We had taken the back exit due to the high volume of media and fans present. 

"Well, I think we need to talk," Billy said in his stern voice. I could tell that he wasn't going to give up no matter what I did to try and stop him.

"No," Miley protested. I stood between Billy and Miley as we walked towards the car. I knew full well that the paparazzi was nearby watching our every move.

"Just let her leave," I said helping Miley towards the car. At this point, it seemed a mile away. We were lucky enough to leave via the back of the courthouse so that way we can avoid pictures being taken.

"Excuse me?" Billy said in a shocked and angered voice. I ignored him and continued to walk Miley to the car.

"You have no right to even be here. You are no longer her bodyguard." He snapped. I still had yet to fully understand the man, had he not figured out by now that I worked for Miley and not him?

"He doesn't work for you; he works for me." Miley snapped. I tensed knowing that she was getting angrier. I didn't want her mad. Hell, I didn't even want her in this situation at all.

"Oh really?" Billy laughed. There was something off-putting about his voice that made my stomach drop to my feet. This wasn't going to end well.

"Have you ever done a background check on him? Do you know anything about him? I highly doubt that he told you about what he did before he worked with you." Billy pressed. I instantly tensed. I didn't want her to know about my past...I didn't want anyone to know about my past. The only reason Billy even knew was that he had government connections.

"Who works for me is no longer any of your business." Miley snapped and I helped her into the car. Finally, we were leaving.

"Be careful around a man like Jason, you have no clue what he is capable of." Billy laughed as I got in the side of the drive of the Escalade and drove away.

She stayed silent the whole ride back to her home. And I didn't really know what to say. Knew everything was now going to change. Once she finds out more about me she will hate me. She will think I am a monster...maybe I am a monster and maybe it was good that she was about to find out.


Miley's p.o.v

Today went as I expected...except for Jason. Since getting back from filming he has been nothing but supportive and I was grateful for him. He even agreed to lie to my father for him which honestly surprised me. I know that my dad was just trying to get under my skin and I didn't fully believe—or even want to believe—that Jason wasn't who I thought he was. But I don't think that I know him well enough, to begin with.

I knew that when my parents hired Jason, he would basically be working as a double agent. I knew that I wouldn't be able to fully trust him and I didn't, at least not in the beginning. When I found that I could trust him and he wasn't going to tell my parents every single thing that I said or did, I knew that I could confide in him. Obviously I crossed some kind of line. He worked for me and that should have been as far as it went. He is paid to do a job and nothing more. But, somehow, I got attached. 

Of course, I was curious about what he was hiding from me. I really did want to get to know him. I was happy that I had a friend I could trust and I ended up caring for him. Now, I just don't know what to think or believe.

Not to mention that I had grown feelings for him. I shouldn't have let that happen. I should have known better than to let it happen. I am so mad at myself. And Jason...I am so mad at him. But I know that I can't place the full blame on him.

I am now lost and I don't know who to talk to. I don't even know who I can trust. I do know that I need a distraction. If I continue to let these thoughts and emotions control me then I will slip back into depression and I'll never find my way out of that hole.

My phone started ringing bringing me out of treacherous thoughts. Patrick was calling.

"Hello," I said answering the phone. I knew what he was calling for. He wanted sex. I don't think that would be a good idea but I don't really care. Patrick would be able to distract me from my thoughts...from Jason.

"Hey, Miley." His smooth voice spoke into my ear. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said letting out a sigh. An inner battle rose within me. 

"Yeah, I saw what happened today on the news. It's everywhere." Patrick said. He seemed to actually care but I knew him well enough to know this is just a game to him.

"I assumed so." I said. "But it's over with," I said trying to talk about something else, anything else.

"So, you want to do something to take your mind off of it?" He asked. And there it was...my getaway. 

"Like what?" I asked. This wasn't a good idea but it was better than slipping into a hole of depression.

"We could get dinner." His voice lingered. I knew that it would be more than just dinner.

"Okay. Do you want to meet me at a restaurant?" I asked. I could drive there by myself...without Jason.

"Sure, I'll set it up and send the address." He said before hanging up.

I went upstairs and got ready. I wanted to look good. I know that we would be watched and that maybe Jason would see me. I know it's wrong to think that way or even do something like that but I wanted to make him jealous. I wanted to feel good, even if it was just for a minute.


I arrived at the restaurant and let the valet park my car. 

Here goes nothing.

"Hey," Patrick said walking up to me and giving me a hug once we were inside the restaurant.

"Hi," I said hugging him back. My stomach twisted and turned within me, making it clear that this was a bad idea.

"I missed you!" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Shall we?" He asked reaching to grab my hand.

This was a terrible mistake but it's too late to go back.

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