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Jason's POV

Today was the last day of filming. The week has flown by pretty fast and I found myself bored almost the whole time. I hadn't been up to anything other than going from the set to the hotel and then repeat.

Miley was pretty professional when it came to this. She didn't go out or anything. When she wasn't filming she was at the hotel studying her lines and working on something related to filming. It was impressive, to say the least.

I found myself sitting in her trailer doing nothing. I went on Instagram and scrolled through my page. I hadn't posted anything and the only thing that was on my profile was the picture Miley took of me.

The only other person I let follow me was Calvin. He even laughed at me when he found out I had an Instagram, he said: "Miley is changing you, bro." and I didn't like the sound of that. Miley wasn't changing me because there wasn't anything to change.

I didn't know a lot of people on Instagram either. Miley told me who I should follow and I mostly followed who she said. I had a lot of follow requests from Miley's fans but I didn't approve any of them. I didn't know them and they didn't know me. I didn't want to be famous because of Miley.

My feed was pretty empty and the only person who seemed to be active was Miley. There were tons of pictures of her on my feed. She was pretty, to say the least, but I never told her that. I had to be professional myself so I couldn't hit on her. But that didn't stop me from thinking about it.

I got bored and decided to take a nap. We would be leaving after she was done and I didn't even know when that would.

"Hey," Miley said walking into the trailer waking me. I jolted forward and jumped to my feet.

"Hey," I said looking over at her. She looked at me with an odd expression and rolled her eyes.

"I'm done." She said grabbing a few of her things.

"Okay," I nodded as I gathered my things. "Airport?" I asked.

"Yeah," she nodded.

We didn't say much on the way to the airport or even on the plane. She was quiet which meant that she had a lot on her mind. It was interesting to see her like this. I was slowly starting to understand how she worked and I'm sure she can say the same for me.


Miley's POV

I am so glad to be home again because I needed a break. I had a meeting with my lawyer in a few days and I had to get tested soon too. I wasn't doing anything at the time other than watching something on Netflix. I have to much free time on my hands now that I am done with filming.

In my free time, I always seemed to find myself dying of boredom. I normally don't get a lot of free time with the busyness of my schedule; it was rare. I always had something to do whether it be doing a promo for a new movie, going to premiere movie events, celebrity parties, red carpet events, or being on the set of a movie or TV show; I am constantly doing something. But, at this moment, I was bored out of my mind. 

I thought about calling Jason over to my house to just have someone be here with me but I don't want to weird him out. Besides, it is his day off. I am sure that he needs a break from me.

I found myself aimlessly scrolling through Twitter for no reason. I would normally tweet something out but I'm not sure I want my fans to know that I am even online. It is fun to silently scroll through social media and see their comments and thoughts about me.

I came across a large amount of random—but funny, tweets from one user in particular. 

@mileysbodygaurd: omg! Jason was spotted shopping at a small store close to Miley's house today. He is sooooo fine! (picture of Jason aimlessly walking through the store)

She was right, he is fine but I would never admit that out loud.

@mileysbodygaurd: I wonder if Jason was shopping for Miley! #jasonandmiley4eva

Jason and Miley forever? She seems to be crushing hard on Jason. Maybe I should set them up? No, I can't do that. I promised my father I would pry in Jason's personal life. Not that I really care about what my father tells me.

@mileysbodygaurd: I posted some new pics on my blog of Miley and Jason. Please look at the pics and tell me those two aren't together! Also, please continue submitting pics!

I found it interesting that my fans thought Jason and I were together. He is just my bodyguard. There was nothing more to the story. But, I might as well check out what my fans have to say about the two of us. I clicked on the website, even though I knew I shouldn't.

The blog was filled with pictures of Jason and I. Some were real and some were clearly photoshopped. I am surprised as to the lengths that my fans went when it came to Jason and I. There is a whole section where other fans could submit pictures they had found online and pictures they had edited themselves.

I sort of wanted to submit pictures myself but I decided I shouldn't. Even though there isn't anything going on between Jason and me, it is still interesting to see what people thought of the two of us. Jason is slowly becoming famous from this whole ordeal and it is hilarious because he doesn't even know.

For now, I would avoid submitting pictures and I will avoid telling Jason this website even exists. I bookmarked the website and the twitter account so I could easily access it whenever I wanted.

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