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Jason's POV

"What have you been up too?" Miley asked after she said her goodbyes to her friends. I was happy that we were finally alone.

"Not much," I said following her into the living room. "I worked a little with Cedric, the FBI director, as a consultant on special investigations. It involved a lot of travel which was nice at first." I said sitting down next to her on the couch. "But, I'm tired of traveling. I want to settle down." I smiled softly at her.

There was so much that I wanted to tell her and finally I could. I had missed her more than she knew.

"Are you still working for the FBI?" Miley asked as she studied me closely.

"Yes, but I am not traveling anymore. I consult over video chat and phone calls when something comes up and it pays pretty well." I said. "Plus, since I was honorably discharged, I get money every month for my years serviced," I explained. 

I had enough money to live a content life, but I was also grateful for the extra money I was making from the FBI. I knew that I didn't have a lot of money but with would I do have, I could provide for Miley...if she needed or wanted it.

"That's good! It sounds like you are doing really good for yourself." She said sending me a soft smile. I could sense her happiness for me.

"How about you?" I asked looking back at her. I knew some of what she had been up too but I wanted to hear it from her.

"Well, moving here was the best thing for me. I love it and I feel safer here. I have a place in the countryside that is lovely. But London has become home." She smiled.

"I'm glad that you found a place to call home," I said nodding my head. I knew how much that had meant to her.

"I have been writing," Miley said looking back at me. "I wrote a book," she laughed and shook her head. "I am publishing it under another name because I don't want people to buy it because I am Miley Cyrus." She smiled and shook her head.

"I'd love to read it," I said placing my hand on her knee. 

The emotions I felt around her before were ten times more intense now. I couldn't explain it but I felt like I was on fire for her.

"I missed you, Jason." She said looking into my eyes. "More than you know," she said releasing a soft sigh. "I honestly thought that you didn't want me...I don't know how I got the days mixed up." She said shaking her head. Miley had no idea how much that meant to me.

"I missed you," I said grabbing her hand. "I thought that I'd get here and find that you moved on...but, you haven't and that means that, perhaps, we can give this relationship a real chance," I said squeezing her hand in mine. "Only if you want too," I said as I avoided her eyes.

Yes, she missed me but that didn't mean that she wanted a relationship with me. There was still a possibility that she didn't want a life with me. I hated to think about that but I couldn't help it.

"I would love that. I want us to have a chance because I know that we can be something great," she said squeezing my hand back. Our eyes locked and I saw her vulnerability. She was telling me the truth.

"You mean it?" I asked to be sure I had understood her correctly. 

"Yes," she smiled at me. "I want to be with you, Jason." I watched as her lips quivered and I knew that her words were true. There was no more doubt.

I grabbed her other hand and pulled her into my arms. I pulled her onto my lap needing to feel her closer to me, I needed to cradle her in my arms and she welcomed it. I was afraid that I might let go and she would disappear but something in me told me that this was real, and she wasn't going anywhere. Miley wanted this just as much as I did, if not more.

"I love you, Miley. I never stopped." I said as I grabbed her chin so I could tip her head back. Our eyes locked and I saw her emotions in her eyes. God, how I had missed her.

"I love you, Jason." She whispered as a bright smile took over her face.

Slowly our lips came in contact with the others. As soon as they touched I knew that she had felt the same. I knew that she wasn't going anywhere.

She is mine and I am hers. I would protect her forever as her forever bodyguard, and I take my job, my love, very seriously.

The End

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