Children, part 2

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I tried to listen for anymore growls I would recognize, anyone from our pack. With no luck, I quickly shifted back and ran to mine and Mason’s room. Diving over the bed I grabbed the phone, calling Damien.

“Mason?” Damian answered, I could hear the wind rushing in from an open car window.

“No, it’s Jasmine. There’s a bunch of growling and fighting downstairs and Mason’s growl is the only one I recognize.” I blurted out in one panicked breath. My children and mate were in trouble.

“Jasmine, calm down,” that might have worked if he sounded calm. “How many do think is there?”

“I don’t know, a lot,” I answered nervously. “Mason is outnumbered.” That may have been common sense, but at the heat of the moment that was my best answer.

“I’m out of town. I’ll call Adrian and get him to bring back up. Get the kids and yourself out of there. Mason will be fine. Go,” he hung up and I dropped the phone. Shifting in mid run to the stairs, I could hear four growls I didn’t recognize. Not bothering to call Damian back I rushed to my family.

The wolves were huge compared to me, gigantic compared to my kids and average size compared to Mason. Kyle and Derrick were behind two of them nipping at the hind legs. Blake stood under Mason’s tail, growling furiously at a wolf behind Mason. All his shyness was gone, he was acting like a true werewolf. Mason stood on his hind legs going for the kill, the wolf behind lunged towards Blake. I dodged in grabbing Blake and the wolf behind Mason crashed into Mason’s back legs. With a swing of my head, I tossed Blake perfectly out the broken window. I jumped over Mason’s downed and bleeding body. The wolf he was fighting leaned down for the kill in perfect timing. My hind claws scratched him in the eyes, buying Mason the time he needed to get up. Pushing myself further off the wolves head, I landed between Derrick and another wolf.

My heart pounded as I ran from the house with Kyle in my mouth. Unsure of the orders I was given, I should stay back and help Mason. Adrian and ten more wolves ran up through the field across from our house. With one more glance at Mason, he barked sharply, telling me to go. Adrian and the others passed me on my way down the porch.

Children were fighting for dear life. Mason was bleeding, she panicked. Kyle was fighting off a black ragged looking wolf, she tossed him out of the house. Passing Adrian and a whole army of wolves on their way in. Blah, blah, blah…

Ehhhhhh,  mmmmmmmmmmmmm, ummmmmmmmmm, ahhhhhhhhhhh, changed my mind...You can't take the one second to vote or five minutes to comment; I can't take the one day to write it or the 15 minutes to upload it...

Calico has been deleted.  The Alpha and His Mate could be next, I have no problem dropping a story that I don't beleive will go anywhere.  Honestly, with only 1% voting on a story that was meant to be my very own personal test on a short, strictly PG-13 romance story is not a good sign.  I have no motivation to write out of my normal genre at this moment and no votes or comments are not helping.  This is not an easy story for me to write when I normally writes dark romance and thriller books that are more 120,000 words.   A short story is considered under 60,000 words.  Sorry guys, but unless I start getting some motivation, this story is done.

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