Part 1

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @GEETOPSmostly


I walked in the house about ten minutes late worried Snow would be angry but he wasn't even fucking in! I waited almost an hour for him getting increasingly pissy but knowing he was probably busy, it wasn't his fault and I had to keep reminding myself of that. I was only angry because of worry but I was desperately in love with him and I knew he was okay, I would have felt it if he wasn't.


I was sat in the restaurant waiting for Baz, he was late but I assumed he was had taken a bit longer than usual on his 'walk' and had started to dress because he always liked to look as posh as his name suggested. He always looked perfect, he didn't need to try so hard! One time back when we were at Watford he wore jeans and I couldn't concentrate on anything he was saying.

An hour passed and there was still no sign of Baz, I wasn't angry I just felt stupid. Of course he wouldn't love me anymore, I was a Normal for god's sake and I even swore like one. I walked out without ordering which gained me several pitying looks, especially by the people who had seen me arrive and leave; alone but expecting. Maybe Baz was in trouble but there would be no magical threat now that I was no longer The Chosen One. Maybe he had the wrong day? No, impossible we had made it one day early on purpose, so we could spend tomorrow having a picnic in the forest where we first happened.

I walked out with tears streaming down my face thinking about how disappointed I should be, I've slayed a dragon but I can't handle something I know was coming anyway!! By the time I got home I thought about how I would have to see Baz and how he might ask me to move out, something I hadn't thought about before. I panicked before I could stop it, I felt odd but not like I would have before when the magic would have welled up inside of me without my permission, instead the only thing that welled up was tears and a scream of frustration. I didn't let either of them out. I took a deep breath and walked slowly up to our door hoping that Baz was at least alone in the house. I opened the door and before I knew what was happening the scream burst out.


I had invited Nicodemus over to talk when Snow hadn't returned for an hour and a half, I was worried to death and who was better to talk to than Nicodemus, a prat and a vampire? Anyone. Worry got the best of me as it always does when it comes to Simon, I don't make good decisions I make the ones that will assure me that he is safe. After Ebb's death Nicodemus had softened but certainly not by much. He talked to me and tried to make me calm by promising to help me find Simon and swearing to kill anyone who had hurt him, I believed that too and not because Nicodemus liked me or Simon but because he enjoyed killing.

"Tyrannus," he sighed, meaning to continue comforting me but I interrupted him with a gasp.

"No! Don't even go there," I said it with a gentle laugh so he would know I was less tense than before and I think he bought it because he laughed too and looked me in the eye, suddenly pretending to be serious and leant in saying,

"But why!? Your name is Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch!"

I pretended to throw up and he laughed at me. We made eye contact again but this time it was different, he was smiling gently and I noticed that he was slowly getting closer to me. Then all at once he grabbed my face and slammed his mouth onto mine, I tried to pull back pushing at him but he had a stone grip on my cheeks. I didn't even know Nicodemus was gay or that he would kiss me! I've never wanted to kiss anyone but Snow. That's when I heard a scream from the door, it was a sound like a dog but surprisingly high. Simon! What would this look like to him?!


Nicodemus looked up and muttered "Shit!" under his breath and then kissed Baz again before sauntering out of the door and purposely shouldering me out of the way.

"What you gonna do about it Chosen One? You're not exactly his Chosen One are you? And he said it himself, you're the worst chosen one that's ever been chosen. Bye Snow, see you later Baz." He said the last part with a wink.

Baz looked at me shocked but I just stood in silence and shook my head. Surprised that I came home was he? Well fuck him, if I wasn't his chosen one I'd make him wish I was! I walked to the bedroom and grabbed my cross, put it over my neck and sat on the bed. I didn't know how to make Baz jealous so I did something childish instead. I got out my silver bracelets from Watford that no one ever knew about and put them on along with a silver tongue stud. I knew that would really piss Baz off because he had made me get a golden stud for his ... 'pleasure' and Agatha had bought me a silver one as a joke for my birthday. I had never used either of them for there intended uses, Baz and I were solely romantic.

Baz walked into the room and flinched backwards, "Ahh, are you wearing silver!?"

I ignored him but stuck out my wrists and tongue, making him groan in annoyance. He was stood outside of the door not moving any closer in fear that the silver would burn him.

"Simon," he said it to lighten the mood because he usually called me Snow, "It wasn't what it looked like, I swear he came on to me and he's so much stronger than me!"

I finally snapped at him, "Oh yeah, I'm sure that's true when you blew off our anniversary dinner! I waited so long for you, I was even going to propose to you Basilton, not now I guess, not ever. Get what's yours and leave!"

Baz walked closer grimacing in pain but swept me up into his arms and walked out of the door talking the whole way,

"Simon, I'm sorry about the dinner I completely forgot, I was worried you got hurt and that's why I called Nicodemus, he was only here to comfort me, I didn't even know he was gay! He grabbed me and kissed me before I could stop him!"

"You didn't try to stop him the second time!"

"It shocked me," he whispered the words.

"I didn't want to kiss him and I feel disgusting! I want to wash my face in acid until his touch is gone, I only ever want to kiss you Simon Grimm-Pitch." He grimaced then and I managed to laugh.

"I don't suppose you want to hyphenate? Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch-Snow has a ring to it don't you think?" He laughed and pretended to be sick, I grabbed his cheeks as best as I could when hanging over his shoulders and kissed him. He pulled back in shock and shook his head with tears in his eyes, I wiggled my legs and squirmed to be let down, he does so very awkwardly because he had picked me up the wrong way, so that my face was looking down at his front instead of his back. I turned him around and held onto his shoulders, looking into his eyes and whispered that everything was okay.

"No, it's not, I cheated on you! With a dude as ugly as him," He tried to smile but failed.

I put my hand on his stomach to calm him as I always did but he jumped back in pain, I pulled up his shirt in the middle of the street and saw two burn marks where my bracelets had pressed into him through the carry. I pulled the silver from my wrists instantly and threw them down the road grateful that I hadn't kissed him with tongue but I left the stud in because I couldn't remove them without a mirror yet.

"With wounds like that I think we're even." I say it with a smile and reach to take off my cross.

"No," he whispered, "Don't. I haven't hunted at all today."

I kissed him gently and take my cross off anyway, "I trust you."

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