Part 5

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I took three rabbits, it wasn't enough but I had to pretend that it was for Simon so that he wouldn't know the hunger he had placed on me. I had to teach him how to hunt, I couldn't keep killing things for him no matter how much I wanted to. Hunting spells kept flying out of my mouth bringing out every kind of wildlife but Simon sat in a violent contrast of silence as foxes and squirrels piled up beside him. He began drinking only after I was finished bringing them in. The old Simon would still be in there somewhere but I didn't know how present he would be, as I was turned as a child.

"You've got to bite before you can feel guilty," I didn't think he heard but then he looked up. He had tears in his eyes which was unusual for Simon. I needed to get him home soon, he had had a long day.

"Are you full?" I asked gently.

He nodded and whispered, "Yeah but you should have some more."

I drank from several foxes then got him and Mordelia into the car. She knew about me and Simon already but when she was in the car she wouldn't stop asking questions yet Simon happily answered them all. He was almost himself again.


Baz's sister, who's name still hadn't come to me, asked me so many questions but on such a full stomach I really didn't mind. She asked about our relationship and I smiled, she asked why I was dead and I laughed but then when she said,

"Were you really gonna kill me?" My laughing was cut short and a small sob burst out instead.

"I wish I could say no."

Baz stepped in before anyone could say anything else, "No Mordelia, no he wasn't. Simon would never hurt anyone, he could barely even kill a dragon without feeling guilty."

Mordelia giggled and moved on to new subjects, she wasn't bothered about me anymore, the fact that I was a vampire barely bothered her, she just wanted to know about dragons after Baz had mentioned them. She had just sat there while I drank from all the animals, talking about her friends. She reminded me of Baz, a lot.

It was only then that I remembered I was supposed to be angry at Baz for forgetting our date, kissing someone else and killing me. When I thought about it I didn't feel any anger, I felt stupid and I laughed. Baz looked at me with a strange look that told me he was concerned but I just smiled at him. When Mordelia giggled, Baz didn't care, but I suppose she wouldn't be as stressed as I was in that moment. We reached our house and Baz walked me to our room. I was on the bed and asleep before I could think anything else.


I put Simon in our bed and drove Mordelia home. I had used her as bait to Simon, which was horrible I know, but she had agreed to it and honestly, I don't think she had realised it would be so dangerous. She was crying and she asked the same question repeatedly,

"Would he have killed me if he were even slightly more hungry?"

I wanted to tell her no but instead I stayed silent. She howled and yelled that I was lying to her.

"Dad will be mad at you if you're loud and wake him up."

We got to my old house and I could feel my magic being sucked out of me, the effect that the Humdrum had left but it was already improving. I didn't know how my family could take it but they had refused to move. Mordelia could feel it too and she was already looking sleepy and drained. I unlocked and opened the door almost silently before walking her up the stairs. I left my sister in her room with a kiss on the forehead and a gentle wave. Then I went home to see my boyfriend.

I arrived home and slipped into bed. I was asleep before I could kiss Simons cheek.

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