Part 14

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I heard Baz's phone ringing before he did but I didn't say anything, I just pretended to be asleep. When he answered it he left the bedroom so as not to disturb me and I didn't use my vampire senses to spy on Baz, I trusted him, so instead I rolled over and buried myself in covers. Then only seconds later the bedroom door slammed closed and Baz ran in shouting my name. I couldn't understand what he was saying but I recognised the tinge of horror in his voice.

"It's Agatha! She's dead."  He finally yelled, exasperated.

Baz didn't answer any of the questions I asked him, he just sat on the bed, head in hands without a word. If I hadn't roomed with him for so long at Watford I would have assumed that he was just grieving but I knew from his posture an his downcast eyes that he was feeling guilty. A low growl of frustration came out of Baz before he yelled,

"I can't take this! I'm going out."

He grabbed his coat and shoes and stormed out of the house without even changing from his pyjama bottoms. I threw on some clothes before I followed him. I knew where he would be and it was far too public to be considered an appropriate place for just boxers.

Basilton and Thyme.

The coffee shop just down the street that he insisted going to whenever something great happened because it had his name in it so it had to be fate. He had never been there for something bad yet but there hadn't been anything like this in his life yet. Yet as I walked in, he was there.

I sat at his table without a greeting and instead I whispered, "I trust you, this isn't your fault."

Baz looked up at me and I could see that he had been crying a lot. When he spoke his voice was etched with utter despair, "You trusted the wrong person, I'm too messed up for you, I killed someone. I'm sorry Snow but you deserve someone better than me, I still love you."

He dragged himself to his feet, using the rest of his energy and shuffled out of the door with a slumped back as though he was too weak to carry himself anymore. He walked out into the night without reacting to the cold at all.

"Goodbye." I whispered to the empty chair opposite me.

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