Part 10

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"It's bloody Christmas!" Snow yelled.

Christmas? Oh crap! Christmas was the last thing on my mind after what had happened with Simon. I hadn't even bought him a gift!

"Merry Christmas, Baz!" he kissed me excitedly and I glumly pulled him in for a hug, feeling disappointed with myself. Then I felt him sink against me sadly, "I didn't buy anyone presents. Aww Baz, I'm sorry."

I was overcome with relief that he hadn't got me anything either so I pulled him even closer and whispered that I had made the same mistake, which made him smile. Then it turned into one of his grins and I knew he had an idea,

"I did get you this though," he pecked my chin because he was too short to reach my mouth without standing on his toes, he thought it was embarrassing but I thought it was adorable. Christmas? Crowley, today would have to be a day of pure romance for myself and Simon, I had to make it special.

"Go and get dressed, I'm taking you somewhere." I winked at him with a cheeky grin, one that I saved for special occasions. I had to make up a plan and quickly.

Simon didn't make a comment he just grinned back and got dressed as fast as physically possible. In fact he didn't ask me any questions at all, I wondered if he was okay. Maybe he was still overwhelmed that we had forgotten about Christmas!

Mordelia turned out to be furious that we hadn't bought her anything but it was far too late to try and get her anything then, everything decent would have been sold out from everywhere.

An hour later we arrived at the planetarium. Simon had never mentioned going there but I knew he had always wanted to because he loved watching the stars when he thought no one was watching. We walked around for a short while, he admired the beauty of the planets and I admired the emotions they stirred in him, he always looked so beautiful when he was thinking.

We were supposed to have a tour guide but of course we got lost and just walked around on our own. The guide had mentioned a video, showing at 1pm, so we said would go to that after sneaking out and having something to drink. It wouldn't be good for Simon to go off schedule because he was rather thick and would probably forget to drink until he lost all control, at least this way it was habitual to eat at 12. I realise only now that it was odd to have dealt with the situation so calmly even though it had all happened in less than a week. It had been three days since the huge fight, most couples hadn't even made up by then but there we were two vampires in a planetarium together! There I was, thinking about Simon's blood drinking schedule as though there was nothing to it, as though he had been like that for his entire life, like me.

God, I loved him. Simon Snow was going to marry me one day and maybe, just maybe he really would die kissing me. I was still unsure if we were immortal, there was no one I could ask so I decided to just wait it out and if I died well I guess that means I'm not.

"Woah! It's so beautiful!"

"Just like you then I suppose." I muttered without glancing to him.

A hand slipped into mine and his fingers locked around my own. I loved it when he held my hand because he always squeezed enough to push his love into me like he used to do with his magic and it reminded me that he was there besides me. I squeezed back with a grin. I was so ridiculously in love, it wasn't a hopeless kind anymore because now he was with me.

"Simon," I looked into his eyes as we stood beside a wall of stars that gently illuminated his golden curls, "I am utterly in love with you."

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