Part 13

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That entire day Agatha was hanging off Simon's arm and flirting with him. She kept gazing at him as though they never broke up but every so often I would feel her eyes burning into me, seeing if I was jealous.

Eventually it all became too much and I yanked her hand from Simon's wrist then spun her around to face me with a snarl,

"Listen up bitch, I could kill you but I won't for Simon's sake. Be happy that he's here or I would take that pretty little face of yours and make sure no one would want to look at it again, okay? Simon has the choice to choose who he dates but for now he's chosen me, so back off."

Agatha's face was one of pure shock and undisguised fear, I was surprised that she didn't wet herself when I bared my fangs and growled like Simon used to do. Tears started streaming down her face and she pulled her arm back; then she ran. Agatha didn't look back, she just ran.

When I looked back to Simon he looked slightly dazed so I walked towards him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so possessive, I just -"

"Baz," He interrupted me, "Shut up, thank you. I was really uncomfortable with her here but I just felt bad letting her run out in that state. I'm sure she'll be okay though."


I knew I shouldn't drive while I was this shook up but I had no other way home so it had to be okay. I was pulling out after a red light and it wasn't until I heard the mechanical screech and a loud horn that I realised what was happening but by then it was too late. The truck collided with my car and crushed the drivers side door into me and though my heart was still beating I must have had several broken bones. I was screaming in agony and heart-wrenching fear when something amid the chaos exploded sending a spray of fire everywhere and ending my screams once and for all.

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