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Ana and Benny's 'just once' turned into 'just one more time' for the past week.

So that is why Ana was running around her apartment Sunday morning, getting her things so she can make the train to Indiana on time.

"Why are you rushing? I'll drive you to the station, you have plenty of time."

Ana walked around throwing random things in her bag to keep her occupied on the hour ride. A spare battery powered phone charger, a book, and her iPad to get some work done.

"If you didn't keep me up half the night I wouldn't be rushing! And just for the record, you snore!"

"No I don't."

"Can you please put some clothes on? I'm going to miss my train. It's bad enough I'm going looking like this!" She said pointing to the messy bun on top of her head.

Most girls actually try to get their hair to look like that, but this was Ana's only hope in disguising the unwashed, curly mess that she was stuck with.

"I think sex hair looks good on you." He smirked as he pulled his shirt on.

"You're not helping!" She groaned, trying to find a matching pair of shoes in the giant tub she kept them in.

"Okay, you know what, come here." He said, grabbing her after narrowly avoided being hit with a flying shoe.

"You're going to see your family. You aren't meeting the Queen of England. You will be fine." He said rubbing his thumb over her cheek.

"You don't get it! Not only are they upset that I moved, but I'm gonna have to listen to them go on about how I need to find somebody or I'm going to die alone! My Nona asked me if I was a lesbian last time because I've never actually brought a guy to meet my family."

"Listen, I get it. I'm thirty and Irish Catholic. I should be married with at least three kids by now. I have two older sisters and a younger brother, and I'm the only one that's not married with kids. My family is hard on me too. Just breath, it's only a few hours. Just text me when you're on the train back and I'll come pick you up." He said kissing her.

She inhaled deep through her nose and let out a long breath.

"You're right. I'll be fine. I'll go, eat a ton of fucking pasta, make fun of my cousin's boyfriend for being a hipster and I'll come home and have a nice bubble bath. I just need to breath."

Ana sat in the passenger seat of Benny's car listening to all the traffic. This was the exact reason she did not drive in the city. Give her a back road any day, but if you even mentioned the highway she would make sure when she threw you the keys they were aimed at your head.

It took twenty minutes before they were pulling up to Millennium Station.

"Thanks, I'll call you when I'm on my way back." She said before reaching for her handle.

He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her back to her seat to kiss her goodbye.

The kiss was the same as any other kiss he'd given her this week, but it gave her an uneasy feeling. It felt like...a relationship. Ana was NOT okay with that. But, maybe she should be?

Her mind was saying, ' It's better than being an old fish lady', while her heart was saying, 'Don't get hurt, dumbass!'

She wanted nothing more than to be like her mother and just go for it. Her mom knew that it might end with cookie dough and Adele, but she didn't care, cause while it was good she was enjoying herself.

Ana, on the other hand, while it was going good, thought about how it was all going to crash and burn in the end. She saw too many relationships end up in tears to actually enjoy herself during them.

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