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I'm waiting by your car.

We're going to be late.

You take longer to get ready than a girl.

You're killing me smalls.

"I'm here, you can stop texting me now." Benny said before leaning in to kiss Ana.

"We've got a meeting in like twenty minutes, you do realize that, right?"

"We'll be there on time, relax."

Ana and Benny sat in traffic on their way to the meeting with corporate. A lot had happened in the last day.

Ana and Benny were officially a couple. They had a meeting, not just with the station director, but the people that essentially would tell them if they're doing their jobs up to their standards.

"So, do we like, tell people?" She finally asked as she picked at her nails. A nervous habit that her mother hated.

"About what?" He asked trying to maneuver around the traffic.

"Us, nerd. Like, how does it work?"

"We don't have to announce it, but if people ask we can just say yeah, we're dating. Unless you don't want people to know." He said looking over at her.

"Like, will we get in trouble for being together?"

"Well, since we are both legal adults, I don't really think my mommy will be too upset." He replied trying to be funny.

"You're such an ass! You know what I mean. Like, are there rules against this shit."

"There isn't a rule against it really, they just say we need to keep it out of the office.

Like if we're fighting we can't let it effect our work. Oh, they also frown upon sex in the break room.

The morning hosts before you learned that the hard way." He smirked.

"Got it. I can do that. No sex, don't fight. Although, we fight at work anyway so I feel like that won't last."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, babe."

"I'm so nervous. My hands are sweaty. What if they fire me? Should I look for another job?"

"You are freaking out over nothing. Everything is going to be fine." He laughed.

"How do you know? Maybe they'll fire you too! Oh my God. My pretty new apartment is going to be gone. I'm gonna have to go live with my mom again."

"You sound crazy."

"Thanks ass." She rolled her eyes waiting by the car for him to grab his bag.

He grabbed her hand, "it's going to be fine. Trust me." He said before kissing her.

They started towards the building. Ana looked over to see a guy around her age walking next to them.

She hadn't seen the guy before so she just smiled at him and followed Benny up to the meeting room with the stranger following right behind the whole time.

There was a knot in her stomach as they approached the room, with that guy still, right behind her!

She let go of Benny's hand and wiped them on her jeans as they walked in the room.

The last thing she wanted was to shake their hands with her sweaty gross one.

"Agh! There they are! We're so excited for this meeting. Good things are happening Ana!"

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