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Ana's time had been consumed by Niall. When she wasn't at work they were together. Family dinners, movie nights, since they got back from Nashville they had been in flow blown couple mode...minus the title.

Niall even tried to teach her to golf. She failed miserably and she was usually good at hitting stuff so she was very disappointed. As Niall's birthday approached Ana was on a mission to get him the perfect present.

"So...I have a house in LA."

"If you had a house in LA why were you staying in a hotel after the iHeartRadio thing?"

"I signed on it right after that."

"Oh...so is there a reason you're telling me this or where you just bragging?" He joked as he watched her make dinner.

"There is a reason actually...I want you to come to LA with me for my birthday..."

Ana turned around and looked at him.

"You want me to stay in LA?"

"Yeah, last time didn't exactly go how I wanted it to, and you said you had vacation days to use before the year ends...So I think a long weekend in LA would be nice and you'll only need like three days off."

"I mean, that sounds fun but, like... don't you wanna spend your birthday with your family."

"Yeah well, I mean they'll be there too so..."


"My mam and her husband and my dad and his girlfriend and my brother's family are going to come. Louis and Danielle will be there and Liam is coming too."

"So it's like this big party?"

"Yeah, basically."

Ana was fairly certain she was having some sort of panic attack because the only thing she could think of was how she had met Benny's parents and it was hell. But not only was his whole family going to be there, but his friends. It's not like she had to worry about them because she had obviously met them all, but it felt a little overwhelming, kind of too much too soon.

But she told herself that she wasn't going to sabotage this so she just put on a smile and told him she'd talk to Benny about getting the days off.

Benny surprisingly approved the days off and so far it was going surprisingly well.

Niall insisted they "Christen" each room in the house, which was fun, until Ana freaked out and cleaned the whole house because his family was coming the next day.

His mother surprisingly seemed to like Ana, at least more then Benny's mom did and Ana got along great with Denise, which was probably because they were close in age.

The boys, minus Harry, were there and they already knew Ana and that put her a little bit more at ease knowing they got along.

"Hi love, how are you?"

"Good. How have you been? New baby, that must be exciting."

"It's pretty great. Although, I am disappointed to find out that baby mama drama isn't just a joke."

Ana burst out laughing. She had seen the articles, hell she even talked about them a little on air and it seemed like they were making this guy's life a living nightmare.

"I'm sure once the custody nonsense is over it will all be fine. From what I've read she doesn't have a very good case against you."


Ana watched his eyes light up when his girlfriend approached.

"Ana, this is me girl Danielle. I don't think you've met yet."

"No, it's good to meet you."

"You too! I love your morning show by the way, I listen whenever I'm visiting my parents!"

"Wow, thanks! I love your show too. My cousin got me hooked on it."

"Thanks! Maybe next time I'm in Chicago we can get lunch or something."

"Seriously? That would be amazing!"

Ana was more than happy to make friends with Danielle. Niall had been tempting her to patch things up with Megan, but she was still pretty hurt by Megan's choice to stop coming around.

"Hello, can I steal you away for a second dear."

"Um, yeah sure..."

Louis smirked as Ana followed Maura trying to make a silent plea for him to save her.

Maura lead Ana outside to a bench near the fire pit. Ana was nervous, she tried to think of everything she had done to see what could have possibly warranted a talk with his mother.

"Don't look so nervous dear, I won't bite."

"Sorry, just the last mom I met didn't like me much..."

"Don't worry, I like you just fine. My baby likes you a bit more though... reckon he might even love you."

"Love is a very strong word, I doubt he loves me... I'm kind of a mess."

"Niall didn't go into details, but he said that you were trying to work through something."

"I am... Niall's actually helped me a lot. I know that what's going on with Niall and I isn't very serious right now, but I do care about him."

"I have no doubt about that. But, Niall has been hurt before and I don't want to see that happen again."

"Of course, I wouldn't want to hurt him."

"I know sweetheart. I just think...both of you need to talk about what you want, about if you can see a future together. As much as I wish it would be easy for you two, Niall can't stay in Chicago forever."

"I don't think I fully understand what you're trying to say..."

"If this were to become something serious, do you think you'd be willing to move? Niall might be able to be here and go away with you now, but are you willing to compromise and be on London with him?"

Fuck. Ana had foolishly let herself believe that Niall would just be around.

"Well, I mean I have a contract to work at KISS for at least two more years. I suppose I haven't really let myself think that far ahead...I don't... I -"

Ana could feel her chest getting tight as she stumbled over her words, thinking about what would happen if things with Niall progressed. He couldn't stay in Chicago, but she had the opportunity to move and find new stations to work at. But could she leave Chicago?

Even if her and Benny weren't exactly friends right now, what would it be like have a different producer? And what about her family? She was just starting to build a relationship with her father, could she give that up for a weekly call and a few holidays a year?

"I didn't mean to upset you dear, I just don't want to see either of you get hurt. I need to protect my baby, you understand, right?"

"Of course. Any mother would do the same."

"There's my favorite girls!"

They turned around to find a slightly drunk Niall making his way over to the bench they were on.

"I'm so glad you guys are getting along! I told you she wouldn't hate you!"

"You were right. I'm going to go get a drink, you visit with your mom."

Ana kissed his cheek and stood before walking back into the house. All the bad feelings she was trying to fight off came rushing back, and now they seemed inevitable.

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