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Ana had less than a week with Niall until he went home. Even with the plane tickets sitting in the drawer beside her bed, she didn't want him to leave.

There was no doubt she loved Niall, and maybe with him back home she could clear her head and make an actual decision. She had to actually sit down and think, there was no way she could wait til New Year's and go with the flow. It wasn't Ana, she needed to sort through all of her feelings.

Niall had checked out of his hotel and was staying at Ana's apartment the remainder of the time, not like he actually used the hotel anyway.

As much as she liked her alone time, it was nice having Niall around. She would leave for work, and he would go to the studio with her dad and he would get home shortly after her. They would spend the night curled up on the couch watching all of Ana's favorite shows.

Ana had spent a day with Danielle and they later went on a double date, luckily with very little pap attention and only speculation of Danielle and Louis trying to set up two friends.

After running into a few fans they decided to keep things low key so their last week wasn't spoiled, except tonight was their last date before he went home.

He knew Ana would kill him if he planned something fancy and over the top. So, he made the reservations at the perfect restaurant. When he looked online it said it was a laid back atmosphere with great food and amazing margaritas, and he knew for a fact Ana hadn't been there yet. Everything was going to be perfect. It had to be.

"Will you at least tell me what to wear? Do I need to dress up?"

"You should dress nice...but you don't need to dress up too much."

"Where are we going?" Ana whined as she went through her drawers.

Niall was already ready, laying in her bed waiting for Ana to find an outfit.

"I'm not telling you, I've said it a million times! The outfit you had in your hands five minutes ago was perfect, we're going to miss our reservation if you don't hurry."

"You're infuriating!" She groaned, slipping on her pants.

"I do try, love... now let's go!"

Ana was antsy the drive across town. She kept trying to guess where they were going, but Niall wasn't giving in.

She got excited when Navy Pier came into view. It was one of her favorite spots, going into all the shops and watching the boats on the water.

Niall lead her through the crowd, until the got to the restaurant, the hostess showed them to a secluded booth in the back where they wouldn't be bothered.

"You're kind of the greatest you know that? I've always wanted to come here."

"I remember you said you wanted to try it. After dinner we can walk around and go ice skating...and I'm buying you a present for when I'm gone... don't even try and fight me on it, it's happening."

"Fine.. thank you. This is awesome."

"I'm glad you like." He said kissing he hand before letting it go and picking up a menu, "now, what kind of drink are you trying?"

After a few too many margaritas and possibly the best food Ana's ever tasted, they made their way around Navy Pier, stopping at random shops, picking up Christmas presents.

Niall pulled her into Build a Bear. She hadn't been in there since Lennon was little, she was so obsessed her mother started avoiding the mall until she grew out of it.

"We're getting Build a Bears?"

"Yes, we're making each other a Build a Bear. Then, when we aren't together, we can sleep with these."  He said picking up a bear.

"That is the cheesiest freaking thing I've ever heard! I love it!" She said grabbing his face and kissing him before picking out an animal.

They moved around the store separately, making sure they couldn't see the bears they were making for each other. Ana dressed the puppy she got him up in a Cubs Jersey. Then he would always remember there first date.

She watched and giggled across the store watching as did all the silly rituals for the heart, before kissing it and stuffing it in the bear.

They left from the store to go ice skating, Ana learning that she had no skills at all, and finished off on the giant Farris wheel. This was the best date she's ever been on and it was just going to make it even harder for her to say goodbye to him

Ana snuggled into Niall's chest a little deeper. She had been absolutely dreading this day.

"We should get up, love."

Ana shook her head and squeezed her arms around him tighter.

He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.

"I'm going to miss my flight, baby."

"So?" She croaked, trying to contain the need to cry her eyes out.

"My Mam will kill me...it's only a few weeks, then we'll be together again."

"I don't want you to go." She sniffled.

"I know, as much as I want to, I can't hide out hr forever. I need to go take care of things."

"I know... just give me a few more minutes."

"Just a few more weeks...then we'll be together in London. We can go to all the places on that list of yours. We'll be back together before you know it."

Niall was convinced it was a bad idea, but Ana insisted on coming to the airport to see him off. He didn't have Basil with him, and it was early enough that hopefully everyone would be to tired to realize who he was.

She clung to him in the back of the car, not wanting it to actually be real. She knew it would be good to have time away, she could clear her head and really think about what she wanted but she was so used to Niall being there now it was weird thinking about not having him at home.

 She knew it would be good to have time away, she could clear her head and really think about what she wanted but she was so used to Niall being there now it was weird thinking about not having him at home

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They got out of the cab at the international terminal. Niall refused to let her go any further incase he was mobbed. That's what he told her, but if she came in he honestly wasn't sure if he would get on the plane. He wanted nothing more than to stay with her in their little bubble forever, but he had let things go on without him long enough.

"Just a few more weeks. That's it, then we'll be together, okay?"

Ana sniffled as she just held onto him tighter. She didn't want him to go, the uncertainty of everything was driving her crazy.

She pulled back and grabbed his face kissing him. She didn't like saying goodbye, she need him to know that she loved him, even if it was just a  temporary love. He fixed her, and loved him for that.

He pulled back and rested his forehead on hers.

"I have to go in...I'll text you when I land, and when I'm settled I'll FaceTime you, okay?"

"Okay." She whispered wiping away her tears.

"Hey, no crying. Just a couple more weeks, before you know it you'll be the one getting on the plane."

"Right. As soon as you land, text me okay? I don't care what time it is."

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I know baby, I'll miss you too."

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