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Ana drug 'Lena' outside.

"Lena? Care to explain how the fuck you ended a three year relationship and got a new boyfriend in the last...two days?" She scolded glaring at her.

"It's complicated." She mumbled pulling her sweater around her.

"Then fucking un-complicate it Elena. You tell me everything. How the hell did this all happen?"

"I just...I'm still with Danny, but when we came to Chicago for Hailey's birthday a couple months ago I met Zach."

"A couple months?" She nearly yelled.

"I told you, it's complicated. Danny and I had gotten in a fight earlier that day.

Zach approached me while we were out and we started talking. When he asked for my number before we left, I gave it to him. I thought it was harmless.

He text me a few days later and he was...nice, I guess. We started talking regularly and when he asked me on a date, I said yes, I don't know why.

Then one date turned into two and, now...I don't know, I really like him.

I love Danny, you know I do, but...it's been nice having someone else plan dates and pay for dinner. Zach treats me like a freaking princess. I don't remember the last time Danny's done anything remotely romantic."

Ana was pacing the sidewalk in front of the wall Elena was leaning on.

"You know I'm not Danny's number one fan, but you're playing with fire Ellie. This isn't some drunken one night stand you can hide or he'll just forgive. This is like...this is an affair!

Listen, I'm not telling what you should do, but you need to do something. Those guys aren't the only ones that will get hurt if you let this go on for too long."

"I know, I'll fix it! Can we just, have a good night, please? Pretend nothing is wrong, I'll deal with it all, I just need to get my head straight."

"Okay, yeah. Let's get back in there."

The night was flying by the guys having more than their share of green beer, reminiscing about their glory days in their fraternity.

Ana smiled as the opening chords of 'Just a Kiss' by Lady Antebellum started playing, thinking back to her twenty-first birthday.

"Come on." She said dragging Benny on the dance floor.

"Hey! It's our song!" He cheered as he pulled her close to him.

She chuckled thinking back to her birthday, she had her fair share of drinks and drug Benny on the dance floor proclaiming her love for the song.

"You remember that?" She asked smiling up at him as he nodded.

"Yup, you loved this song. Totally wanted to kiss you that night. Except you were so wasted."

"You wanted to kiss me?" She was shocked, she hadn't realized exactly how long Benny had these type of feelings towards her.

"Mhm...I remember your purple hair, matched your purple dress, and you had that stupid flower crown on! And you kept tripping in those white heels. I had to carry you around at the end of the night." He laughed.

She reached up and kissed him, leaning into his chest listening to his heart beat in his chest.

The song ended too soon and as the approached the table the ladies had decided it was time to get the guys home to sleep off the alcohol before work the next morning.

Mel had suggested her and Ana grabbing lunch sometime next week, deciding they were going to be best friends.

Ana was pretty sure it was the alcohol talking but she figured it wouldn't hurt to try making friends with the girls if they still remember their lunch plans when they had sobered up.

That Sunday, Ellie had picked Ana up from the train station, no Danny in sight.

"So...you decide what you're going to do about your little love triangle?" She asked.

Ana didn't want to pressure her, but she needed to make a decision. Plus Ana hated to be out of the loop.

"I think. I just, things haven't been the same with Danny for a while. I didn't go away with Danny and his family last week Zach took me up to this cabin in Michigan...I just, I really, really like him Ana, but I don't want to throw away a three year relationship. What if it doesn't work out with Zach?"

She gripped the steering wheel, holding back her tears.

"But, it might work out with Danny. Ellie, Danny is a good guy. I know he cares about you, but maybe...the relationship has run its course.

You deserve someone who is going to treat you like a queen! I know we were young when your parents... Died, but I remember how much they loved each other.

I used to be so jealous that you had a mom and a dad that loved you so much. Your dad acted like your mom could walk on water. You deserve that too.

I'm not saying you should pick Zach, I'm not saying you should pick Danny. You're only twenty-four, you don't have to find your soulmate right now."

Elena gave a small smile to Ana, "and Len said you were too cynical." She joked wiping away the few tear that had fallen.

Dinner was going as usual. Ana told everyone about her new co-host, Lennon had landed the roll in the spring musical at school, which she was more than excited about. Andrea had gotten a promotion at work, and Nona was bored, always at home alone.

Everybody was sitting around watching a movie when Danny came over.

Elena bit her bottom lip knowing what she had to do.

"Hey, we need to talk..." Danny said. Elena and Ana shared a look, maybe he had found out about Zach somehow, but according to El, they had been careful and stayed out of Indiana.

"I know, maybe we should do this in private though." She said trying to lead him to a different room.

"No, I want your family to be here for this."

"Danny, I don't think-"

"Listen, I've been a horrible boyfriend. I've taken you for granted and I let that spark that we had three years ago die.

I love you El, I am so sorry."

"Danny really, can we just-"

"I'm so glad that you've stuck around and you have been the best girlfriend a loser like me could ask for.

So, with your family as my witness, and Ana, I'm counting on you to make sure I keep my promise." He said as Ana awkwardly watched them.

"I am going to be better. I'm going to take you out and you'll never have to pay for anything again. I got that job, at the insurance company, so we can get our own place, and start our future.

Elena Rosalie Russo, will you make me the happiest guy in the Universe and be my wife?" He asked getting down on one knee in the living room.

Lennon and Ana looked at each other in shock as Nona and Andrea gasped excitedly.

Elena looked at Ana nervously, not sure exactly what to say so without thinking she gave him a nervous smile and nodded her head.

"Yes, of course." She choked out wiping the tears away as he slipped the ring on her left hand.

Ana watched as her mother and grandmother hugged and congratulated them. She hoped for Elena's sake that Danny did keep his promise.

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