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Niall threw his head back and laughed as he listened to his cousin Willie tell a story about their trip to Thailand.

Niall was enjoying his break so far. His trip to Australia didn't necessarily end the way that he was hoping, but he pushed all thoughts of Melissa out of his mind. It just wasn't meant to be.

He was going to have a good time. All his friends were in Los Angeles for the iHeartRadio Music Awards. He wasn't going to the actual show, but he planned on going to at least one of the after parties, there would be plenty to choose from.

"Check out the bird that just walked in. She's fit mate, perfect to get your mind off Melly." Willie nudged Niall drawing his attention to the brunette across the restaurant.

It wasn't the the brunette that caught his attention. It was the blonde girl that was by her side that turned to face their table.

His eyes widened, he never imagined seeing Ana again, at least not outside of Chicago

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His eyes widened, he never imagined seeing Ana again, at least not outside of Chicago. He smiled, watching her smile at her friend. He very clearly remembered that smile. He remembered everything. It was hard to forget her honestly. He watched as they were seated on the other side of the room.

"You alright mate? You're staring." His cousin chuckled as his friends laughed, checking out the two girls that had his attention.

"I just...I know the blonde. She interviewed us in Chicago last summer." He shrugged down playing it so he didn't get any follow up questions.

"Then let's go say hi."

"NO!... I mean...I don't want to bother them." He replied.

Honestly, he had no clue what he would say to her. She didn't leave a note or her number so she obviously didn't care to see him again.

"They just sat down. It's not like they're in the middle of eating yet. Maybe they need someone to take them out tonight."

"Or maybe they want to eat and have a nice quiet night. Who knows."

"Why are you being a tosser? Let's just go say hi!"

"I really don't think going over there is a good idea. Can we just drop it?" He groaned.

"No. Not until you tell me what the hell you're acting so weird for."

"I fucking slept with her. We ran into each other at a bar the night before the show last summer and when I woke up she was gone. Now, can we please finish our meal and get out of here?"

His cousin looked at him like he had grown an extra head.

"You slept with the blonde one?"

"Yes, and her name is Ana."

"You haven't talked to her since August?"


"What the fuck."

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