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"Good morning Chicago! Not only is it throwback Thursday, it's St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone has their green on."

Ana started the show off, she still wasn't totally used to having a co-host, but it had only been a few days, they were slowly getting into a steady rhythm with each other.

"We have the number one songs from today from the last ten years to play throughout the show for you.

And we even have another chance to win a trip to the iHeartRadio Music Awards in LA. If you're lucky you might even get to see Ana!

She will be there interviewing all your favorite artists and you'll get to see her present on the show, so make sure you tune in on April 3!"

"I'm so excited for the show, and everybody should tune in. Jason Derulo is going to be hosting and they've got so many amazing performances lined up!" She added.

"Now, when you hear the new Megan Trainor song 'No', make sure you're the sixth caller and you'll win the trip for two."

"Remember, you have to be twenty-one or older to win! Now, here's your throwback from 2008, Usher featuring Yung Jeezy, Love in This Club!"

The on air light went off and Ana took her headphones off and leaned back in her seat.

"What are you doing tonight?" Ana asked Alex as he scrolled through Twitter on the computer.

"Probably, sit around my apartment. Haven't really got any friends here yet." He replied.

Ana felt bad for the guy moving so far away from his friends and family.

"You should come out with Benny and I. We're meeting some of his friends at a pub!"

"Naw, I don't wanna intrude. It's cool."

"Nope, you're coming. You should get out and meet some people."

She was not taking no for an answer, as she waved Benny into the booth.

"What's up?" He asked as he stepped in.

"Alex is going to come out with us tonight. He hasn't made any friends here yet."

"Alright." He shrugged, Benny really didn't care if he came or not, he was going to have a drink and hang with his friends. He just figured the more the merrier.

"Are you guys sure? I don't want to be the weird new guy."

"Don't be silly. Zach, is the weird guy, you'll just be the new guy." Ana smirked.

"If I don't get to call your friend crazy, you don't get to call my friend weird!" He said walking back into the production booth.

There were only a few things Ana hated more than getting her picture taken.

She felt awkward and uncomfortable. It probably had something to do with all the pictures of her being overweight with acne and braces, her mother was a little bit camera happy when she was younger until her camera, mysteriously disappeared.

"Do I look okay?" She asked as she stepped out of the dressing room.

They had her in a tiny white crop top and shorts, she felt so exposed with so much skin showing.

"You look good babe, are you guys ready?"

Ana and Alex both nodded and walked in front of the camera.

"Okay guys, we're just gonna get some of you guys together. Just be natural and have fun." The photographer called out from behind the camera.

Ana was not having fun though, and felt anything but natural in front of the camera. Who did they think she was a Kardashian? She didn't have poses burned in her memory.

She felt awkward, even if Alex trying to lighten the mood doing funny poses.

"Okay, maybe Ana, just lean against him Alex rest your arm on her shoulder. Yeah good, just like that."

Two hours... Two hours getting their picture taken. Apparently, that was short for a photoshoot, but she was ready to get home. She wanted her clothes, and she wanted to eat and get drunk.

Except, although, the main goal of the night is usually to drink as much as you can, she was nervous. She didn't want to make an ass out of herself in front of Benny's friends.

She had only met them a handful of times. Her worst nightmare was being stuck there alone with people she barely knew like at his surprise thirtieth birthday party.

Every St. Patrick's Day, Ana realized she had no green clothes. She wasn't Irish, at least not to her knowledge, so she couldn't wear a 'kiss me I'm Irish' shirt.

She decided she would have to make it work. A white t shirt, with green eye makeup and green Mardi Gras beads. If someone pinched her, there would be hell to pay!

Ellie had text her back after the photoshoot and simply said, 'not coming, going out with the boyfriend.' And Megan had to work, so it would just be her with Benny's friends and Alex.

Benny's friends were nice, but that was just when she was the girl that worked with Benny. Now she was Benny's girlfriend.

The other girlfriends were nice, but had already formed their little clique and she's seen first hand, they weren't always accepting to newcomers.

Luckily she knew them enough that Zach's new girlfriend would be their fresh meat.

Ana and Benny got put of the cab, the found Alex waiting by the door.

"Hey! Long time no see." He joked, putting out his cigarette.

Both greeted him as the walked towards the table.

Ana was visably nervous. She was convinced Benny felt her hands shaking, because he leaned over and whispered for her to relax. She took a deep breath as they got to the table, plastering the best smile on her face she could.

"Hey guys. You remember Ana. And this is Alex, he works on the show with us, just moved here from Boston." He introduced them.

"So, Benny finally grew some balls and told you how he felt." Kevin joked, earning a swift jabbed in his side from his girlfriend.

"Be nice!" Mel scolded, "ignore him. He's been drinking since he got him from work." she rolled her eye.

Ana smiled at her, she liked Mel, she had actually been Benny's date to their wedding.

Kelsey, on the other hand, was a tad harder to please. She had actually grown up with Benny and he introduced her to his frat brother Dave, her fiance.

Ana just smiled back, "Yeah, it took him long enough!" She joked to try and ease the tension as she felt Kelsey's stare on her.

Zach showed up a few minutes later, "thought you were bringing the new girlfriend?" Dave asked seeing his friend arriving solo.

"She's in the bathroom, but listen, I really like her, so don't make me look like an ass! And you two, be nice!" He said glaring at Mel and Kelsey, who simply held their hands up in surrender.

Alex and Ana were in a debate about Fridays show as Ana saw a familiar figure approaching the table. She had to double take as she saw the small girl  stand on her tip toes to kiss Zach.

Both girls eyes widened as the caught sight of each other, nobody around paying much attention to them.

"Guys, this is my new girlfriend, Lena." Zach said wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and a big cheesy smile on his face.

Everybody went around the table introducing themselves until it got to Ana.

"Outside. Now." She glared.

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