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She wasn't sure how long she stared at the text message. She was having second thoughts, maybe it was too soon. It had only been two months since her life was basically flipped upside down.

She paced around her apartment trying to figure out what to do, what to feel.

She couldn't just call Megan. Elena was a bridezilla and would no doubt try to suck her into wedding duties. Lennon was only sixteen, she really couldn't fully understand what was going through Ana's head.

"Stop pacing around like a weirdo." Lennon said still staring at her phone on Ana's couch.

"It's my apartment, I'll pace where I want to!" She snapped back.

She was still pacing around when her parents walked through her front door.

"Why are you pacing like a weirdo?" He mom asked.

"I'm not a weirdo! I need to think!"

"Wait, is this about that guy?" Lennon smirked.

"What guy?" He parents asked as the same time.

"Ana was talking to some guy she ran into at the show. I saw her put her number in his phone."

"You are such a little narc!"

"Don't even start you two. Lennon, go wait in the car."

Lennon rolled her eyes grabbing her stuff, "thanks for letting me meet Ellie, weirdo."

"You're welcome, tattle tale."

"What's wrong?" Her mom asked after Lennon shut the door.

"So, I ran into this guy I know and he wants to meet up before he has to go back home."

"And you like him?"

"What? No. I mean, it's just a boy so just no."

"What's your favorite thing about him?" Her mom asked as Ana still paced around.

"He makes me laugh." She answered with no hesitation.

Her response came as a surprise, even to her. She hadn't really thought about it before, but that night in LA with Niall they hadn't stopped laughing the whole time.

"Then I think you should go. I miss your laugh. Ellie is picking you up from the train Sunday! Love you." Her mom called heading towards the door.

"Love you sweetheart. We'll see you Sunday." Her dad added kissing her head before following Andrea out the door.

Ana fell back onto her bed with a huff.

She looked at the text message still sitting their on the notification screen.

Hey, it's Niall. Lunch tomorrow? xx

She took  deep breath before unlocking her phone and replying.

Sounds great. Joe's Bar on Weed Street. I'll meet you on the roof. x

There was no turning back now.

She had spent all night and half of the morning trying to find an outfit. She didn't want to look like she was trying too hard, but she wanted to look nice. It also felt like it was a hundred degrees outside which meant she needed to wear something that wouldn't be too hot.

She decided on a crop top and a skirt with some flip flops. She wouldn't be sweating to death and she still looked cute. She didn't bother doing much with her hair and make up. She left her hair curly in a side ponytail and didn't put much make up on. Just enough to make it look like she put forth an effort.

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