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Ana really couldn't shake the feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

We have all the time in the world.

She wanted to believe that, but what would happen when he leaves? He couldn't stay in Chicago forever and the only way you would get Ana to leave Chicago is if you kidnapped her.

"So what time should I pick you up tomorrow?" Niall's voice snapped her out of the negative thoughts running through her mind.


"For dinner tomorrow, your Nona invited me. I need to go shopping to get a suit too for the wedding. I didn't bring a lot with me and definitely didn't bring a suit."

"You're coming to dinner? With my family, all of us?" Benny hadn't even made it to a Sunday dinner and he was the father of her child. Niall's here for a week or two and he's being included in family dinners? The feeling in the pit of her stomach was getting worse.

"Um, yeah? I mean if it makes you uncomfortable I could not go I guess, but she insisted, I didn't want to say no."

"It's fine...I just ya know, don't want you to have to deal with all their questions."

"I don't mind. They seem nice."

Of course he doesn't mind.

"I guess I'll text you...I usually leave early since I take the train. We don't usually eat until around five though..."

"Okay, I'll pick you up around one?"

"Sure. Sounds great."

Niall could tell something was off with Ana. It was like a switch was flipped as soon as he mentioned dinner with her family.

The more he got to know Ana the more he liked her. Meeting her family was just a way to know her better, but he could see her building a wall up.

She was distant and he wasn't even going to pretend to be hurt when she didn't hold his hand while they walked through the mall to Macy's.

Ana wondered around while Niall tried on different suits.

"Does this look okay? I feel like the pants fit funny."

Ana couldn't deny he looked good in a suit.

"Yeah, it looks good. You can try it on for Nona and see if it needs altering, she used to work at a bridal store."

"Okay... I'll go change back."

"I'll meet you at the register."

Ana was ready to leave, the mall was her least favorite place. Crowds of people and running into people she went to school with was her worst nightmare. She didn't like them then and she definitely doesn't like them now.

"Ana? Hey! How have you been?"

Ugh, she almost escaped...so close...

"Hey Katie. How are you?"

"I'm great! Josh and I just celebrated our one year wedding anniversary and we just found out we're having a little boy. Josh is already buying jerseys in every size for him to grown into."

"Wow... congratulations, didn't realize you and Josh were still together."

Especially cause he was hitting on me at a frat party a few years ago.

"Yeah, it's crazy to think how long ago high school was, right?"

"Totally crazy!"

Jesus help me, get me out of here!

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