Guys im dying omg!!

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Guys a bunch of stuff happened with my crush and I today and just thinking about t my heart wants to freaking jump out of my chest! So first I'm sitting in my seat and my crush dilly turns and like takes my hand and like holds it down on the desk and draws a cute lil kitty face and like he touched my hand and drew on it I don't even know how to react to that! Apparently he only does that to people he feels comfortable around so that makes me even more happy!
Then like my friend did a speech infront of class and he sits down and is all like my hands are shaking omg and dilly holds out his hand and is like my hand always twitches or something like that and I just like giggle and lightly slap his hand and idk why I did, probs just cause I wanted to touch him TBH
And now fast forward to the end of the day, I'm sitting on his desk and like I lightly touch his arm and tells him he looks good today and like his Face!!! He looked so suspicious hahaha 😂😂 so then I like lightly pluck the collar part of his shirt and tells him he looks good in it

Where did I get all these balls from?? I'm just so ballsy likeeeee!!! Idek why I like this sarcastic prick but I do and I'm like head over heels for him! I'm planning to start flirting with him more and on Monday maybe hug him and tell him I missed him but idk yet

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