Taggy thingy

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Hey guys!! So I was tagged to do this taggy thingy by this lovely lady @NatalieWillJonas ayeeee!!

So ofc there are rules to this tag!
- you put 5 facts about yourself!!
- you can't do the tag in comments or replies
- complete Le tag in a week
- post the rules ofc haha
- tag 15 people

So here are 5 amazing facts about the amazing me!! (Jk jk I'm a dork)

1. I am in the performing arts class, which is weird for me Bc I have terrible social anxiety

2. I am an Agendered muffin, meaning I don't identify as a gender!!

3. I hate the color yellow which is ironic considering those are the main colors of Hyperion, yeah thanks handsome Jack for that -_-

4. Yes I am 16 going onto 17 and yes I am only 5'2....

5. I am in love with things of Disney and Pixar and dreamworks ish!! Mainly dreamworks cause cmon now they have #hijack my otp!! Which is hiccup from how to train your dragon and Jack from rise of the guardians haha

Now the people to do Le tag!! Okay I'm a loser and don't really know 15 people sooooo

trustmeimacookie Bc she's the bae

phanallamallama their name is amazing

gaysicle Bc same

FearMePlease Bc yes I fear you lol

danisnotontop Bc I agree with your name, Dan is so not on top

And there we go!! There is Le tag, have fun guys

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