A Strange Occurance

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After their mother tucked Tiffany in, she led Alex to his own room. The boys and girls slept in different buildings, regardless of their relationships. Along the way, Alex asked his mom a few questions. "Mom, how does magic exist? Why has no regular human discovered this place? Why must magic be hidden from regular humans?" His mother laughed. "My dear, you'll learn the answers to those questions in your classes. Is there any questions of which that only I should know the answer to?" Alex thought of a question, then hesitated. "Mom, why didn't you take custody of us when you divorced with dad?". His mother grew silent. Suddenly, he felt the atmosphere of the hallway change. "You will have to find out the answer to that yourself. Please understand. It is for your own safety." Alex sighed. Why couldn't she just tell him? He'll have to find out by himself? How? When they reached his bedroom, she tucked Alex into bed. "Goodnight, my child. Sleep tight. You have school tomorrow. Don't wake up late!" She went out of the room, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts. When the clock struck 11 times, he decided to leave his thoughts for the next day. He then went to sleep.

The sun rose and Alex woke up. He got a proper look at his room and found that he had his textbooks on his shelves. He had some clothing in the closet, but no school uniform. He found that weird, as he was sure that he saw other students wearing uniforms yesterday. His classes start at 11 am, it was currently 8 am. He had 3 hours to find his mother. He changed into his daywear, and went looking for her office.

An hour later, he finally found it. He was about to knock the door when he heard people talking inside. "Did you tell him about the curse?" a rough voice said. A womanly voice, much like his mother's, replied, "No, Alex is a young man, but he's still too young to know about it." 'Alex? Why are they talking about me? What curse? I'm already 16, is that still young?' Alex thought. Then, he realized that the voices had stopped. "There's someone listening. We musn't talk here. Let's meet up some other time." then he heard some footsteps coming towards the door. Alex looked for a place to hide, but there was none. The door opened, and Alex saw a man with a slouching back, a crooked nose and white hair. Behind the man was his mother. She looked at him in surprise. "Alex! What are you doing here? And.. How much did you hear?" "I-I was l-looking for you because I didn't have a school uniform. I didn't h-hear much, Just about a c-curse and my n-name." he stammered. His mother shook her head. "Oh Alex. You're lucky you didn't hear much. You shouldn't eavesdrop. Also, you don't change into your uniform. It automatically appears onto you at 10 am." Alex sighed. He had gone through all that trouble for nothing. His uniform appeared on him. "That's your signal to go, my child. You have to eat breakfast then go to class. Have fun in your first day of school."

As Alex made his way to the canteen (he had passed it while looking for his mother's office just now), he had way more questions than he did last night. Deep thought, he accidentally bumped into someone and fell over. "Sorry! I was reading my book! I didn't see you!" he heard a high voice said. It somehow sounded familiar to him. He looked up and saw a blonde girl wearing glasses leaning over him, offering out her hand to pull him up. He took her hand and stood up. He decided to introduce himself. "Hey, my name's Alex. I'm 16. Nice to meet you." he said, trying not to stammer. "Alex? Alex Samson?" the girl said, while tilting her head a little. Alex looked surprised that she knew his last name. "Why, yes! How do you know my last name?" The girl's face lit up. "Alex! It's so nice to see you again! I'm Felicia! Felicia Sterling! We went to the same elementary school together! We were best friends!" Alex was now bursting with joy. "Felicia! I've missed you so much! I had no friends in high school at all! I missed those days when we got into trouble for drawing on our faces!" They continued to chat as they walked to the canteen together.

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