Tiffany's Funeral

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Tiffany's funeral was a small one. It took place in the school's hall. Floating candles dimly lit up the place. There were rows of chairs set up facing her coffin. There were bouquets of flowers placed around the coffin. Her picture was placed on an altar in front of the coffin. Her favourite teddy bear, the one Alex had just given her, was seated next to the picture.

Alex was still in his room, sitting on his bed. He was still crying. So many things were going wrong. A friend may be an enemy, his father is planning to murder him, he is failing his classes, and worst of all, his sister is dead. He was there at the hospital the night she died. The doctors had tried to save her, but they couldn't. Alex didn't feel angry at them, because they had tried everything they could. No, he felt angry at himself. He should've taken care of her. But then again, there was nothing he could do.

With a heavy sigh, he got up, and changed into the tuxedo his mother had prepared for him. Just as he was getting finished, a knock came on the door. "Alex? Are you there?" said a voice. "Yeah, coming," replied Alex. When he opened the door, Sylvie was standing there. She was wearing a black dress. "I'm sorry about what happened. The ceremony is going to start in 15 minutes, we better hurry," she said, with tears in her eyes. She could tell Alex was feeling really down, and she didn't need her powers for that. Alex nodded. "Yeah, let me just wipe my tears." "Don't forget your tie," Sylvie continued. Alex sighed, then picked his tie up from his bed. "I don't even know how to put on this thing."

Sylvie went up to him, and took it from his hand. She patiently tied it around his neck. Then, she patted the wrinkles on his suit away. Alex looked into her eyes. She's really pretty, he had to admit. "There. Are you ready now?" she asked. Alex looked around his room for anything he forgot. "Guess so." He grabbed the bouquet of flowers on his table. He had picked them out the day before. It consisted of a few pink carnations, and a dark crimson rose in the middle.

The walk to the hall was silent. Alex decided to break it with small talk. "Why did you come to find me anyway?" he asked Sylvie. Sylvie shrugged. "Just felt suitable to do so. My sister was in the crash too, and I had some questions. But I think I'll ask them after the service. It'd be rude to ask them now," she replied. "Oh, that was your sister? I didn't know. Sorry for your loss," Alex said. Sylvie let out a sigh. "Likewise."

When they reached the hall, Rose came running to Alex. "My dear boy, I hope you're okay. My, you really look nice and handsome in this suit. Don't your agree, Sylvie?" Sylvie covered her mouth and giggled as Alex blushed. "Come, it's about to start." Rose turned around, and sat on her seat in the front row. Alex was about to follow her when Sylvie stopped him. "Oh, Alex! I'd like you to meet my mom. Follow me," she said. Alex tried to go to Rose, but Sylvie grabbed his hand and pulled him with her. She dragged him through the crowd until she found a woman, dressed in black. Well, everyone was dressed in black, but Sylvie and her mother's dresses were somehow.....different.

"Hello, mother. This is Alex," Sylvie said. The woman turned around. Alex saw that she had gray eyes, and blonde hair with a few small gray streaks through it. "Nice to meet you. Sylvie has told me a lot about you," Mrs Starling said, holding out her hand. Alex shook it, and said, "Nice to meet you too, Mrs Starling. You look beautiful, miss." Mrs Starling smiled. "Charming one, aren't you? Sylvie, you found yourself quite a man." Sylvie covered her face and moaned, "Moooooom." Alex blushed again. "Run along now, the service is starting," said Mrs Starling. "Aren't you going to sit with us?" Alex asked. She nodded her head. "Yes, I will, but I have to talk to someone first." Alex said "Okay, see you later, miss." then left with Sylvie back to the front row.

"Tiffany was a great girl, and the beat daughter one could ever ask for. She was cheerful, optimistic, kind, and helpful. She had always loved animals, although she wasn't allowed to keep one. She helped people and animals whenever she could. I loved her and still do, and so does everyone here. We will always miss you, Tiffany. Although you may not be with us physically, you will always be in our hearts. Now, let's all think of our best memory with her, and feel the happiness for one last time." Rose waited for a few moments before continuing. "Now, her presence is gone, and her soul is free. Let us not weep, but instead rejoice, for she has made all of our lives better, no matter how small or big the change she has done. Now, we will bring her coffin to the cemetery, and have our last words with her there." With that, everyone clapped, stood up, and exited.

The cemetery was a peaceful, serene place. There was a small pond next to Tiffany's grave. A couple of dragonflies were flying over it. Flowers were planted around it. As the coffin was being lowered, Alex suddenly felt emotional. Sylvie noticed, and held his hand as tears fell out of his eyes. 

When they went back to the school, Sylvie started asking Alex a few questions. "Alex, did you happen to notice the driver's face? The one who crashed into our sisters' car." Alex tried to remember, but his memory was foggy, particularly of the man's face. He shook his head. "No, sorry. I remember everything vividly, but his face is just blurred out."

Sylvie nodded. "Interesting. Everyone else who saw the crash said the same thing. By the way, have you seen Felicia recently?" she asked. "No, she went home for the holidays one week early. Or at least, that's what she told me," Alex replied. Sylvie stood silent for a few moments, as if she were thinking. 

Alex suddenly thought of what the orb said. "Who you think is a friend, is an enemy." He realized it may be Sylvie, and he just gave her information. He had to get away from her, now. "Uh, sorry, but I gotta go..." he said, before running off. "Alex! Wait! I need to tell you something!" was all he heard before her voice was silenced by the wind.

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