Training with Giants

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The next day at school, Alex ignored Rose's advice and still hung out with Felicia. "My mom said I should avoid you and not trust you and stuff." said Alex, groaning. Felicia smirked. "Really? Why do they think they can't trust me? Is it just because I refused to join them earlier on?" Now Alex was confused. "Huh? Earlier on?" he said. Felicia nodded. "Yeap. They asked me to join them last time, but I refused. Seems like a bother, if you ask me."

Alex thought about it and agreed. "Yeah, all this seems bothersome. I should've refused to join them too. Too late anyway." he agreed. "So now they're gonna teach Sylvie and me medevial stuff. At least that's cool." Felicia sighed. "Well, you'll be getting that sword lesson you've been wanting." she said. Alex nodded. "Oh well, let's get to class then"

Hamlin was Alex's second class. But instead of Hamlin, a substitute came in. Alex saw Hamlin at the door. Hamlin beckoned him over, and Alex went out. "Get all your stuff, we're going for your training." Alex nodded. After gathering all his stuff, Alex followed Hamlin to the secret hallway again. This time, they went through a different door. They entered a room, opposite of the dog-troll. Alex saw Sylvie. "You're mad. Why is that?" asked Sylvie. Alex just groaned and ignored her. Sylvie immediately knew that he did not trust them and that he told Felicia everything. Sylvie told Hamlin about it, while Alex sulked while sitting down. Hamlin nodded and whispered to her, "We know. We're telling Alex this because we know he's going to tell Felicia. We're giving Felicia false information. You already know the plan, just go along with it." Sylvie hesitated, then nodded.

A while later, Rose arrived with a big man and woman carrying all the weapons. There were also a group of students behind them. "Alright students, " she said. "This is Tiaren and Nirat. They're Giants, twins, and they will be teaching you how to fight. Tiaren will be teaching you melee while Nirat is taking care of ranged attacks. Hamlin here will be teaching you how to defend yourself, in both ways physical and magical."

Tiaren started speaking loudly. To Alex, it sounded like she was shouting. Her voice sounded deep and coarse, much like someone who swallowed an entire bathtub of saltwater and tried to talk. "Alright you humans! First, we will be sort you into two groups! I will teach you how to fight properly using swords, maces, flails, battleaxes and so on! Nirat will teach you the right way to use all types of ranged weapons! Now line up in two lines in front of us according to what you are interested in! You have one minute to decide so hurry up!"

Alex thought about it, and decided to go for melee. As he got in line, he noticed Sylvie a few spaces in front of him. "Maybe she'll be using her ability to her advantage," he thought. As the two groups separated into two rooms, Tiaren laid out two swords, two greatswords (bigger and longer swords which are heavier, and are for dual-wielding), two flails, two battleaxes, two warhammers and eight shields. A boy who had curly hair and dark-toned skin raised up his hand. Alex remembered him, they both shared a class. He tried to remember his name, but failed. "Why are there ten weapons and only eight shields?" the boy asked. Sylvie whispered to Alex, "His name is Tyler Green." Alex jumped. He hadn't noticed Sylvie beside him. Tiaren shouted, "Why, because the greatswords are too heavy for you tiny things to carry with one hand! Two of you will have to learn how to block with the sword itself instead! Now all ten of you, choose a weapon! And no fighting or else!" she spat. However, Alex was daydreaming again. By the time he snapped back to reality, there was only one weapon left; the greatsword. "That's a bummer, I wanted the regular sword," he thought to himself. As he picked up the sword, he saw why you can't use a shield with it. It weighed a ton. As he lugged it back to his place, Tiaren started screaming again. "NO DRAGGING THE WEAPONS ON THE GROUND OR I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" Alex realized she was screaming at him, and immediately picked up the sword, and started stammering. "I-I'm so sorry. It won't happen ag-gain," he said. The expression on Tiaren's face was indescribable. Her eyes, once green, went purple in anger. It literally looked like she was about to explode. As she calmed herself down, she said, "Now! All ten of you! Get into five groups with the person wielding the same weapon as you!"

As Alex looked for his partner, he forgot to look to his right again. "Looking for someone?" said Sylvie, with a smirk on her face. She had taken the other greatsword. As she lifted up her sword skillfully, Alex realized that he wouldn't be enjoying training as much as he thought at all.

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