Life in Captivity

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Alex shook his head in disbelief. "No, that's impossible. I knew Felicia since we were kids, she had always been the way I knew her. I know I can trust her." Sylvie tapped her chin, as if she was remembering something. "Alex, didn't you find out about the Land of Magic just this year?" Alex nodded his head. "Well, yeah, but I don't see how does that relate to this." Sylvie raised an eyebrow. "That would make her being your childhood friend be impossible. Felicia was born and raised here, and she has never left to the regular human world." 

Alex folded his arms. "If that's true, then why do I have all those memories with her?" "She cast a memory charm on you," said a voice from across the room. Alex, Sylvie and Denuis turned to look at Fayre. She stood up, and walked over to them while saying, "I've been fascinated about charms and have been studying them since a young age. From what you've said, it sounds like she casted an potent memory charm on you. All it takes to cast it is something as simple as a touch of a hand. It affects your memory, either adding or removing certain memories. However, the changes can be removed using a spell." 

"Thanks for explaining, Fayre. Do you know the spell for reversing the effect?" Sylvie asked. "Why yes, I do," said Fayre, nodding her head. "I could use it on Alex, if he agrees." They turned to Alex. He shook his head. "No. I wan't to keep these memories. They're better than any memory that she could've replaced." Sylvie sighed. "Well, if he wants to keep them, we can't do anything about it. Just be reminded that it's all a lie, Alex. Don't let it fool you."

Suddenly, the room door opened. Someone wearing a mask and full-body armor walked in, carrying a box while two others guarded the door. "You all will be cooking your own meals from now on. Everything you need is in this box. You all will have to ration this for 2 weeks. We'll give you another one after that." They then walked out the door, shut it and locked it.

Hamlin paced back and forth in the meeting room. "Hamlin, please, sit down. The others will take a while," Rose said. Currently, there was only the both of them, Tyler, Timothy Lorest, and Farine Willow. Everyone was waiting for the rest of the team.

When everyone arrived, they all took a seat at the table. Rose poured everyone some hot chocolate while Hamlin told them what had happened. "I think we should just attack, we've got more people than them anyway," Robin, a dark-haired girl, said. "We don't know that, and we don't even know where were they taken to," Timothy replied. As they all tried to make a plan, the group in captivity struggled.

They were all under constant surveillance, so it was hard to plan an escape. They had tried to open the door with spells, but it didn't work. There would be guards on the other side anyway. Everyone sat in a circle in the middle of the room, telling stories to each other, trying to make the best out of their current situation. It took a while, but they all got Emerald to smile, too. Soon, she was also telling jokes and funny stories.

They were there for a while, and every day was either all smiles and laughs, or sitting in their corners thinking about the doom that was awaiting them. One day, they were having a down day, when they all heard the locks on the door opening. A guard came in. He looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, get out." When nobody moved, he shouted, "EVERYBODY, OUT. NOW." They all groaned and got up. Emerald was the only one who didn't complain while following. The guard made them all walk out, then shut the door. 

When they climbed up the stairs, Claire was standing in front of them, smirking. "All of you, follow me. Also, don't even think about attacking or you'll immediately be penalized." She then led them up a few flights of stairs. "Where do you think she's taking us?" Pearl asked Emerald with worry on her face. Emerald shrugged. "I don't know, but it's definitely not good."

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