A Change of Character

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"So, thought you could keep secrets from me?" asked Andrew. "It's no use. You're already defeated. Rose can't run, and you, being the weakling you are, wouldn't leave her to save your own life."

Alex was furious. "At least my friends would do the same for me." Andrew smirked. "What friends? Do you mean...." His figure started to change, and he turned into a girl. "...Felicia?" Andrew finished. Alex took a step back. "No. That can't be." Felicia laughed. "Yes Alex, I'm a bodgus as well. A lot of us are. And you, have fallen for my trap."

Alex didn't know who to trust anymore. Felicia turned back into Andrew, and said, "You can't trust anyone in our world these days. Not even the ones that you used to care about the most." 

Alex was about to say something, but realized Andrew wasn't talking about Rose. No, he was talking about Alex, the son he used to care for. Alex shook his head. "No. Loving people isn't weak. And you know that. Because you are still in love with her," he said, pointing to his mother.

Andrew bared his teeth. "No. That is not true," he insisted in a menacing tone. "Yes, it is, and you know that. You couldn't bear to hurt her. You have never tried to. You couldn't attack the school because you knew she was always there. You had tried to protect her," Alex continued. 

"NO!" Andrew shouted, his voice filled with pain. "You don't have to do this, you don't have to-" "TERMINUS QUELL!" Andrew shouted at Alex. Before Alex could do anything, everything went black. Andrew then fell to his knees, and started crying into his hands.

"NO!" Rose cried. She slowly got up, and walked to Alex's body. She winced every time she put pressure on her sprained leg. She kneeled down beside him and cradled his body. "No, my poor Alex... my sweet son..." she cried. Andrew looked up, and shouted, "Why do you love him so much!? Why do you care of him more than you would care about me!?" Rose looked at Andrew, shocked. "Andrew.... Don't you see? You used to be exactly like Alex. You used to be so kind, sweet and caring, but one day, you just changed. Don't you recognize yourself anymore? You and Alex both grew up in similar homes. Alex told me everything. But yet, Alex stayed the same way he was. You didn't. You turned to evil. You let vengeance rule your heart. Alex didn't." 

Andrew put his face into his hands again. "I'm so sorry... I'm so-" Rose heard a cry of pain, and looked up to see a dagger pierced in Andrew's stomach. He fell to the ground. Rebecca was standing behind him.  

"Hmph. I thought he would be someone who could do actual evil. Sadly his weak spot was too big. His wounds were old, but easily opened. I have no use for someone like that," she said, before walking away. 

Rose was in shock. She crawled over to Andrew. He was still alive, barely. She picked him up in her arms. "Andrew..." Andrew was panting. "Rose. This is what I get for hurting so many people. I'm sorry for everything I did." Rose was crying. Andrew had tears too. "Rose....do you think... that even the worst person can change? That everybody can be a good person....if they just try?" he asked. 

Rose was sobbing. "Yes, Andrew. Yes, I do think that." Andrew smiled. "Thanks. I hope I'll see you someday....soon..." With that, his hand fell to the ground. 

"Alex! Rose! Sylvie! Where are you guys!?" shouted a voice. Rose did nothing. She sat on the ground, holding Andrew's body. "Rose! Alex! Where are-" The shouting stopped. "Oh my god.... Guys! Come here! Quick!" Tyler shouted.

The others quickly ran over to Tyler. They all ran over to Rose. "Headmistress Rose!" She looked up. Tears stained her face. "Alex.... Andrew.... They're both....." She sobbed some more. 

Denuis pushed his way to the front of a group. "I know a spell to undo a death," he started, "It has only one condition. You have to sacrifice a life for another." 

Rose stopped crying. ".... Does it work?" she asked. Denuis shrugged. "I don't know, I've never seen it before." Rose stood up, careful not to put any pressure on her sprained leg. "Let's do it. We have to bring Alex back." Denuis looked around. "We don't have anyone to sacrifice.." 

Marcus stepped up. "I'll do it," he said. "No, I can do it," Robin tried to argue. One by one, everyone volunteered to give up their life. 

Rose was shocked. "No. All of you are young. We aren't sacrificing any one of you." Pearl got confused. "If we aren't sacrificing any one of us, who else would it-" Then her eyes fell on Rose. "Oh...."

Rose nodded. "I have to do it. It's no use for me living anyway. Alex has done more than I have and ever will." Everybody wanted to say something, but they couldn't. They all knew she was right.

Rose went over to Alex's body and picked it up. "So, how do you do this spell?" she asked. Denuis went over to her and whispered into her ear. Rose nodded. "Okay. I'm ready. Goodbye everyone. You all were good students." 

She whispered something into Alex's ear, then said out loud, "Sacrificium alio." Her eyes glowed a bright blue before she fell to the ground.

Alex woke up panting. He sat up. He felt disorientated. After all, he literally died and came back to life. "Where am I? What-" He looked around. He saw his mother's body. His father's was not far away. He remembered what had happened. It didn't take much to figure out what had happened.

He stood up. The group ran over to him. "Alex! Are you alright?" Fayre asked. Alex nodded. "I feel fine. There's no time for me to be sad." He looked around and noticed Sylvie wasn't with them. "Where's Sylvie?" he asked with worry in his voice. Tyler looked down. "About that....we haven't found her. We've been searching all over."

Alex pushed pass them and ran over to the rubble of the fallen tower. He started digging. "Sylvie! Sylvie!" Sapphire shook her head. They knew they had no hope. "Sylvie!" Alex shouted with pain in his voice.

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