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"What? Why didn't you tell us?" Mason asked. Emerald looked away. "I thought that if I did, everyone would hate me for being different." "Why would we do that?" Pearl asked her. "Having a power like that is so cool!"

Emerald looked at them. "Really?" Fayre nodded. "Yeah!" For the first time in a long while, Emerald smiled. 

"Quickly, get ready. I'll tell them all to let you go now," Pareslaei said. "Wait, why not you just come with us?" Marcus asked. "That will raise suspicions. It's safer for you if I'm here to give orders to them." She transformed back into Eldritch before calling the guards. "Guards! Release these children. These mere mortals serve no use to me." The guards were confused. "Did you just say...release them?" Eldritch scoffed. "Useless guards, can't even do a simple task." He was a pretty convincing actor. The guards scrambled to lead them all out. 

Farine was hiding in a bush, trying to come up of a plan. She already had one before, but Conrad and Robin decided to attack a guard when she had told them not to. Now they were captured. 

The doors to the tall building opened. Farine made sure she was well-hidden as she watched. A couple of guards came out first, followed by a few teens and then more guards. She watched as they said something to the teens, then went back inside. They were talking. 2 boys seemed to be telling them about a situation whereas the others were asking them questions. Suddenly, one of the boys shouted, "Wait, FARINE!" 

Farine realized it was them! Excited, Farine ran up to Emerald and hugged her. It was well known that they were best friends. "Everyone has been so worried! Let's go back to the school, Sapphire has been worrying about you, Emerald!" "Okay then, let's go, we have some very big news for all of you," said Sylvie.

Back at the school, everyone was in disbelief. Nobody could believe that Eldritch was Pareslaei. Nobody except... Rose. "We should trust him. Let's decide on what to do," she said. "He could just be saying that to lead us into a trap. I don't quite trust him," Oliver argued. Then, everyone started arguing.

"Everyone, please, calm down!" Hamlin said loudly. "Even if we don't trust him, we still have to think of a plan." The arguing stopped and everyone went silent. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for arguing," said Farine. Sapphire nodded. "We all are."

"Okay, great, now how do we plan to do-" A loud explosion interrupted his sentence. Before anyone could say anything, another explosion rang out. It sounded like buildings collapsing. "We should all probably leave now," said Denuis. 

Everybody ran outside. They saw everyone running for their lives as the buildings around them collapsed, one by one. Smoke and debris filled the air. They could hear a voice shouting, barely. "Destroy them all!" it said. Suddenly, the school wing that they were just in collapsed. "RUN!" shouted Tyler. 

They all ran in different directions as the tower came falling down. It landed with a loud crash, and threw debris everywhere. Alex narrowly avoided one that flew past his head, but he didn't know about the others. They were all separated. Not that he could see anyway, there were clouds of dust everywhere. 

He suddenly heard a loud voice, and it shouted, "TERMINUS QUELL!" He recognized it. It was a killing spell. One to cause an instant death.

He turned around and saw Eldritch- Pareslaei, no... Eldritch? He had turned into a monster. Some parts of his body was Pareslaei's whereas the others were Eldritch's. Eldritch-Pareslaei was panting. "Someone tried to kill you. I had to stop them," he said. Only then did Alex realize that there was a dead body on the ground right next to him.

"But...what happened to you?" Alex asked. Eldritch-Pareslaei shook his head. "No time to worry about me. Someone once told me not to overwork my bodgus powers, but I didn't listen. This is the price I pay. Andrew saw me like this and figured everything out. He's furious. You have to run." 

Alex stood still, trying to take in everything that was happening. "I can't just leave my friends here-" Then he noticed someone lying on the ground next to him. "Mom!" Rose was unconscious. She had blood coming out of her mouth.

"Mom! Wake up!" Alex cried. Rose slowly opened her eyes and coughed. "Alex... what happened?" She looked around and seemed to remember. "We have to go, mom!" Rose nodded, and tried to stand up. 

"Ow!" Rose cried, falling back to the ground. "What's wrong, mom?" Alex asked. "I think I sprained my ankle. I can't walk, much less run."

Alex starting to panic. He knelled on the ground next to Rose. "Oh no. Pareslaei, could you help me-" he turned around to face him, but Eldritch-Pareslaei had disappeared. Alex stood up and looked to see if anyone was around. Nobody was. 

Suddenly, he heard laughing. "Ha ha ha. Pathetic." Alex turned around. "You can't run now, can you, Alex?" Andrew said, clapping.

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