A Task

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After the school day ended, Felicia showed Alex to Hamlin's office. Their last class was learning about heat spells, so Alex had some ashes on him. Felicia brushed Alex's uniform with her hand and tidied up his hair. "6 years and you still haven't learnt how to keep tidy." she said while dusting her own hands. Alex laughed, remembering all his accidents in elementary, and Felicia always cleaning him up. Felicia looked at him, and said "Not many people get called into Mr. Hamlin's office. But those who had, never misbehaved ever again. I don't know what happens, but it's definitely not good. Good luck, Alex." She hesitated, then walked off.

Alex took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. "Come in" he heard. When he opened the door, he saw a neatly organized office. Hamlin was sitting behind his desk, and there was a chair opposite him. "Alex, please take a seat." Alex gulped, nodded, then sat down. "Now, Alex, tell me everything you know about Rebecca." "A classmate, 17 years old, wears glasses, likes reading. And during breaks, she goes outside of the school instead of the school cafeteria." Hamlin raised an eyebrow. "That's really all you know?" Alex nodded. "Alex, Rebecca is always at the top of her classes, and she is the smartest one in school. However, whenever there was an accident like just now, she was always there, and she knew all of the ancient spells that the students used. Us teachers never had any evidence to prove it, but since this is the first time it happened around all your classmates, we can finally prove it."

Alex was really confused now. "Prove what, exactly? That I almost killed my teacher?" Hamlin sighed. "No, Alex. To prove that Rebecca has something to do with this. But there's one problem. Your mother is a very kind person, she would just forgive Rebecca. I need you to follow Rebecca when she leaves the school and see what she does. And you musn't be seen. Can you do that?" Alex didn't know what else to do. "Okay, but how will she not notice me?" "Just say 'tevbel mirnisu' and you'll turn invisible. But be careful, people can still walk into you. And when they do, the spell will break. And you can't tell anyone about this. Got that?" Alex nodded. "Good. You may leave now." Hamlin continued, then waved his hand as a signal to dismiss Alex.

When Alex got outside, he saw that Felicia was waiting for him. She looked worried. "So.....how did it go...?" she asked. "It was fine. Just gotta do some stuff for him." he replied. Felicia looked intrigued. "Stuff? Like what?" Hamlin's had told him not to tell anyone, so Alex started thinking of an excuse. "Uh...just getting some.....ingredients for a....potion." he stuttered. Felicia raised an eyebrow. "Okay..... Well, it's already your second month here and yet you haven't been around town. Come, I'll show you." As he was about to accept, he saw Rebecca leaving the school out of the corner of his eye. "Sorry Feli, but I'll be busy. Maybe next time." then he ran after Rebecca. "But wait! Alex! I-" was all Alex heard as he ran outside into the cold pouring rain.

Alex had finally caught up with Rebecca, and was a few metres behind her. "Tevbel mirnisu" he muttered, then turned invisible. He followed Rebecca into the city. As she walked down a busy street, Alex took care not to let anyone run into him, then followed Rebecca into a big, elegant-looking building. Rebecca stood facing a wall, then muttered something. Suddenly, the wall just disappeared. Rebecca walked into the hidden room, and Alex followed. Inside the room, there was a big screen mounted on the wall. There were bookshelves around the room. Rebecca turned on the screen. Alex saw a guy who was wearing a hood. Alex couldn't see his face, because the hood was covering it. "Rebecca. Have you accomplished your task?" the hooded figure asked. He had a deep and raspy voice. "No, sir. Hamlin identified the spell and used his charm to save David. They said Alex was innocent because he looked genuinely sorry. However, I have another plan. We could capture Alex and cast a spell on him to give us all the information he knows." The hooded figure nodded. "Yes.... That is a good plan. The only problem is, how will we capture Alex?" "Well, you see, si-" Then, Andrew rushed into the room while shouting, "Rebecca! There's a spy in he-" and ran right into Alex. Alex fell to the ground. "Ouch!" he said. As he was about to stand up, he realized he wasn't invisible anymore. Rebecca walked over to Alex. "Well look at what we have here. You shouldn't poke your nose where it doesn't belong, little boy." She looked at Andrew and said "Tie him up." Andrew nodded and chased Alex. Alex tried to escape, but there was no where to run. Andrew pinned Alex against the wall, and whispered, "Revenge.... At last." Alex felt a pinch in his neck, then blacked out.

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