A Dream

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As she held a sleeping Alex in her arms, she said to her husband, "My dear, you know that I've been cursed that you can never take care of our child for more than 16 years, and yet you still want to have a child?" Her husband smiled. "Why, Rose, of course I would. Look at how cute Alex is. He's only 9 months old and he can already walk. He's going to be a fine young man. Besides, I have a plan to make it seem like he's not the chosen one, saviour of the land." Alex started crying in Rose's arms. "Oh dear, seems like he's hungry. I better go get his bottle then. After that I'm going to sleep. It's been an exhausting day for me." said Rose. When she left the room, Alex's dad sighed. "Andrew, you are one smart villain. Alex has a protection spell until he turns 17. On that very night, while Rose isn't watching, I will kill him. Rose doesn't know I'm a wizard too. Even if Alex goes missing, I'll pretend to be a caring father to go look for him. Once I find him, I'll destroy him."

Alex woke up with a sweat. It was a dream. He looked at the clock. It was 12 am. He didn't feel safe. It was March 10th, only 9 months until his birthday. His dad would be looking for him. He doesn't know whether was the dream real or not. Did it actually happen before or was it just a dream and nothing more? He didn't feel safe in his room. He started to leave the room to find his mother, but then he thought. If his mother thought his dad was a caring father, she wouldn't believe him. He got back in bed and tried to sleep. He kept his eyes closed and thought of happy memories. A few minutes later, he fell asleep.

When Alex woke up, he felt like his clothes felt different. When he looked down, he saw that it was his uniform. He started panicking. "Oh no! My second day of school and I'm already late! I can't believe it! Why didn't my alarm clock go off!?". He didn't know where his classroom was. He ran around the school, trying to find it. Suddenly, he ran into somebody. It was Rose, his mother. "Why, Alex! You're not supposed to run in the corridors! Why aren't you in class?" Rose asked. Alex was panting. "Sorry, mom. I had a nightmare, then I woke up late, and now I can't find my classroom." Rose sighed. "Alex, you should've used an alarm clock. Now, what classroom are you supposed to be in? I'll give you the directions." Alex thought about telling his mom that he did set his alarm clock but it didn't go off, but he decided not to. He looked at his schedule and said, "Uh.... I'm supposed to be in classroom 4-AL." "4-AL? Go down the hall and it's the third door on your right. Now run along, and don't be late next time." "Okay. Thanks mom."

When Alex got to class, his teacher just told him not to be late next time and told him to take a seat. During the lesson, Alex couldn't pay any attention at all. He just kept thinking about the dream. The teacher noticed, and asked him a question. "Alex, was it? What is the ingredients needed for an instant death potion?" Alex snapped out of day dreaming, and stuttered. "W-what? U-uh..... I-i don't k-know, s-sir." The teacher sighed. "Alex, stop stammering. And, do you even know my name?" Alex knew he was in trouble. He didn't pay attention at all, not even to his teacher's introduction. "I'm sorry sir, but I have a lot going on in my mind today, so I wasn't able to concentrate. I promise it won't happen again." His teacher sighed once more. "That's okay, I forgive you. The name is Mr. Raffio. Please see me after class. You're not in trouble but I need to ask you something." Alex looked down and said. "Thanks sir, I'm sorry for not listening." Mr. Raffio continued his lesson.

After class, Alex waited for everyone else to exit the classroom, then went to see Raffio. He felt nervous. "You asked to see me, sir?" Mr Raffio looked up. "Ah yes, Alex. What's going on? It's your second day of school, you're late to class, you couldn't pay attention and you didn't learn my name. I'm not scolding you, but is there anything wrong?" Alex took a deep breath and made a decision. He would tell his teacher about his nightmare. "Well, last night I had a nightmare. I don't know whether was it a memory and did it happen before or was it just a dream. My dad was secretly evil and planned to kill me once I turned 17. My mom didn't know, and left dad to live in the Land of Magic." The teacher raised an eyebrow. "Alex, that seems pretty unlikely. Your mother is a smart lady, she would have noticed if your dad was evil. Now, please, no more being late to class, and no more daydreaming, okay?" Alex hesistated, then said, "Okay." Little did he know, his dad was closer than he thought.

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