The History of Greenwoods

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"Lord Eldritch? Who's that?" Alex asked. Sylvie sighed. "Alex, I would ask if you were joking but there's real confusion on your face so I'm not going to," she said, "The Lord Eldritch Alabaster is a powerful, wicked and intelligent wizard. And I don't mean the good type of "wicked". In the 19th century, he created havoc and broke hell loose in Greenwoods. He summoned demonic creatures to help him, and anyone who stood in his way never lived. Until one day, the great Pareslaei Serdiam saved us. She was a soldier who was serving the Imperial. When she heard about Eldritch invading our land, she trained her best and learnt all the magic known. Although it seems impossible, she actually managed it. It took her 5 months. After that, she pretended to be a Droughtwind soldier and infiltrated their main area, poisoned Lord Eldritch, and killed all the guards. After that, her fame spread throughout the land. From then on, nobody actually dared to do evil. Until last year, when Her Majesty Pareslaei passed away. From what we know, Andrew and his little group appear to be on Eldritch's side. Rebecca is quite dangerous, as she comes to our school for classes. She knows a lot of magic already, such as invisibility, telekenesis, and so on."
"Wait, if Pareslaei passed away, how is Eldritch still alive? Is he immortal? And how do we know Rebecca isn't here right now? Also, what's a greenwood?" Alex asked. Sylvie nodded then sighed again.
"Yes, he's immortal. And, our invisibility spells aren't as advanced as the one that Hamlin taught you. The ones they teach still leave your shadow. We've checked, no strange shadows around. Also, you really don't know much about our land, do you? The Land of Magic is also known as Greenwoods. Now stop being so ignorant, we have to think of a plan to defeat Eldritch."
Alex put his hands up in defense.
"Okay okay, don't need to be so demeaning."
"You don't even know what that means, do you?"
"Nope. So do we get guns to fight this guy or is it all magic and stuff?" "Are you an idiot? Bringing guns to a fight can only mean that you are dishonouring yourself, your entire family and everything you stand for." Sylvie said, nearly shouting. "What about my cow?" Alex joked. Sylvie raised her eyebrow. "What?" she asked. Alex rolled his eyes. So there ARE some stuff that she doesn't know about. "Nothing." he said, with a bored expression on his face. "So we can only use magic if we don't want to be dishonoured?" "Ye-" Before Sylvie could even say yes, Rose interrupted. "Actually, we have swords, axes, bows and arrows kept away. We used to have lessons for them, but kids starting misbehaving and we ended up having to raise the dead more than twice. We could use them." Alex instantly took interest. "Woah! Swords and axes!? I wanna try!" "Bows could be quite useful for when we want to stay quiet and there's an enemy nearby..." Sylvie wondered out loud. Rose nodded. "It's settled then. We'll start teaching medevial battle again, but only for the ones who are going to fight Eldritch."

"WHAT!? NOT AGAIN!!" shouted Hamlin. Everyone had forgotten that he was in the room, too. "I had to heal so many students! It's so troublesome!" Rose resisted the urge to shout at him, then said, "Like I said, it's only for a selected few. Now if you don't stop complaining, I won't hesitate to exclude you from any of this." she said, firmly. Hamlin realised what he just did, then regained his calm attitude. "Sorry, Rose. I will do my best to teach them." he said. Rose smiled "Great! We'll start training tomorrow then."

Alex thought about something, then asked his mother, "Why don't we include Felicia in this? She's a great witch, I'm sure she can handle a sword too." Rose cleared her throat, then said, "Alex, if you don't mind, I would like you to stay away from Felicia. She seems quite suspicious, and we can't take any chances." "But-" "No, Alex. I've seen her. I can see that she has dark intentions. We cannot trust her." said Sylvie. Alex clenched his fist. "Fine. I'm going to my room." said Alex as he stormed off.

After everyone left the room, a chair started moving. Smoke started swirling around it. In the shadows, you could see the chair changing shape. Slowly, it transformed into a human. "Oh Sylvie." Rebecca laughed. "If only you knew I could shapeshift too."

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