Disaster Strikes

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The very next day, Alex went about his usual day. After his classes ended, he decided to have a walk in the town. He was about to exit the school compound when a boy he didn't know came up to him. The boy held out his hand and said, "Hi, my name is Denuis, Denuis Glimi. Nice to meet you. I'm your classmate and one of the people you train with. You seem to be doing nothing of importance right now, so I have taken this opportunity to get to know you better."

Alex unsurely shook his hand and awkwardly said, "Oh, uh... Hi, I'm Alex Samson. Nice to meet you too. I was just about to go take a walk in town, maybe we could speak some other....." "Oh, that's wonderful! I shall follow you and we will converse on the way," Denuis interrupted, walking out. Alex ran to catch up with him and tried to speak, "I was actually going to spend my time thinking, so-" Denuis interrupted again, asking "What do you think about our school? People say that it's the best wizard school around, but it doesn't seem so. My parents insisted on sending me here, and I couldn't refuse."

"Well, I like it here. The teachers are decent, the classes are interesting and the dorms are nice," Alex replied. He was surprised Denuis actually let him finish his sentence. "Decent? Well, every man has his own opinions. By the way, I have to ask, are you interested in anyone?" Denuis asked. Alex was surprised by the question. "What do you mean by that? Interested as in how?" Alex asked. "Romantically interested. It seems like you and Felicia are getting along quite well."

Alex shook his head. "No, I'm not interested in anyone. I haven't really given it any thought. And Felicia is just a friend, I knew her before I came to this school. Wait, how did you know Felicia and I spend a lot of time together?" Denuis smirked. "I didn't. I just saw you both talking just once, but thanks for telling me."

Alex clenched his fists. This guy was getting on his nerves. "Y'know, I should really get going. Let's just talk next time." Denuis stopped walking and looked at his watch. "Are you free of activities at five in the evening tomorrow?" he asked. Alex tried to remember and said, "Yeah, I think I-" "Excellent! Meet me in the library in PRA 3. I will see you then. Goodbye and thanks for the conversation." Denuis then turned around and walked back to the school.

What a weird guy, Alex thought, at least I have a new friend now. Alex stopped walking and looked around. He hadn't realized how far they have walked. He was in the middle of the city. He looked around and noticed that it was snowing. He hadn't even realized. He checked his phone's calendar. It was Tuesday, the 2nd of December. The year-end holidays would be starting this Saturday. He looked all around him. The streetlights shone dimly. People walked past him, all having somewhere to be. Cars running on magic instead of gasoline were on the road. It was very loud and busy, yet Alex felt like it was silent. He was pushed to the side by a grumpy man. "Don't block my way, I have somewhere to be!" the man said while hurriedly walking away. Alex didn't mind getting pushed. He just felt.......empty. After having that conversation with Denuis, he started wondering. Who is actually important to him? Well, there's my mother, Tiffany, and Felicia. I really gotta get more guy friends. Alex thought. And with a thought, he stopped walking. What about them? Do I matter to them? Am I important to anyone, at all?

Everyone on the street just pushed passes Alex, who seemed to be in a completely different world. A loud crash brought Alex back to reality. He was standing on the corner of the street, in front of the café. He turned around and saw that two cars had crashed into each other. Everyone around him started panicking. The ambulance arrived and they pulled out two people from the cars. They were both suffering from severe injuries. Lastly, 2 girls, around Tiffany's age, were pulled out of one of them. Both girls had blood coming out of their foreheads. Alex thought one of them looked similar to Tiffany and froze. He walked over to the body on the stretcher. When he got closer to the girl, he realized.

The girl is his sister. She was out with her friend. Just yesterday, Alex had given her a present. A pink stuffed-bunny. She was so excited when she saw it. And now, she's dead.

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