A Grave Accident

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Alex was having trouble in his studies. His crazy dreams and letters from his secret admirer were bothering him too much.

Even though this was a magic school, they had regular classes as well. As a mid-term practical exam for baking class, they had to bake a cake. Alex put the ingredients into the bowl, mixed them together, and poured the mixture into a pan. However, as he was putting the pan into the oven, he let his mind wander around. A few minutes later, he smelled smoke. "Hey, does anyone else smell that?" he said. That's when he realized everyone was looking at him. No, not at him. At his cake in the oven. He took a look at it, and saw that the entire cake was black and smoke was coming out of the oven. His teacher, Mr. David, looked up and rushed over to Alex. "Alex! What are you doing?! The instructions were to adjust the temperature to 325 degrees, not 825 degrees!" Alex's eyes were wide open. "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't notice!" Mr. David quickly turned off the oven and took out the burnt cake, which now looked like ashes. He let out a sigh and looked at a terrified Alex. "Mister, you're a regular student. Don't expect the special treatment just because you're related to the principal. Sorry to say, but you're getting and F for this. This is totally inedible, unless you find someone who would eat ashes." Alex suddenly felt really angry. It wasn't his fault that he got those dreams and those letters! "Ijula erit easduid!" he shouted at his teacher. David gasped, and fell to the ground. "How......do you.....know that.......spell......" he said, before totally collapsing onto the ground. Alex was now panicking. "No! What did I just say!? I don't know what spell that was!" That's when Rebecca, his classmate, rushed over. "Alex! That was an ancient death spell that you shouted! It kills the victim within an hour, if not treated properly! The victim will collapse in the first few seconds. And in the next few minutes, his breathing will get so light that it seems like he's dead. We'd better get help! Someone go get a teacher!" One of their classmates ran out. Rebecca tested Mr. David's pulse, and let out a sigh of relief. "He's still got a pulse, so it's okay." She stood up and looked at Alex. "Alex, how did you know that spell? It's a really old and long forgotten spell. Only a few people know it." "I don't know! I just felt mad then it came out of my mouth! I don't-" he then realized something. "Wait.....if it's long forgotten, how did you know about it?" He squinted his eyes at Rebecca. Rebecca widened her eyes, looked at her watch, then said, "Sorry, but it's lunchtime. I have to meet up with my friend." then left in a hurry. Alex thought it was weird, but then turned back his attention to David.

His classmate returned with a teacher, it was Mr. Hamlin. He was relieved, as Mr. Hamlin is an understanding teacher, and he would understand. "Out of my way!" Hamlin shouted as he pushed the students aside. He kneeled next to David, took off his necklace, and put it on David. In a few moments, David's eyes opened and he sat up. "What happened? Who saved me? I remember Alex shouted a spell and I collapsed." Hamlin shook his head. "I used my pendant to save you. Now, I have a few questions for Alex. Alex, where did you even learn that spell from? Only a chosen few know about it." Alex repeated the same thing he said to Rebecca. "I don't know! It just came out of my mouth! But, if only a few know about it, how did Rebecca identify it so quickly?" Hamlin looked at his watch, and said, "Alex, come and meet me in my office when the school day ends. And do not go near Rebecca at all costs."

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