Chapter 3

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"What are you doing? I want to go back to sleep," I yawned, flopping onto the couch. My stomach was still turning and I wanted to curl up in a blanket and never come out.

"I can't sleep and I heard you get up," he said shyly.

"Stalking my every move now," I joked, and raised an eyebrow. He laughed, and shook his head.

"You sick already?" Michael asked, sounding genuinely concerned. "Want me to get you some water?" Why was he being so sweet? It was kind of creeping me out to be honest.

"The question here is, are you feeling alright Michael?" I asked sitting up.

He blushed, "I just feel bad about what happened to you tonight. I don't know, you're not half bad to be around either." 

"Are you drunk or something?" I laughed. 

"No, I'll go get you a glass of water," he sighed, and walked to the kitchen.

I was utterly confused by how Michael was acting right now. Earlier he couldn't have cared less how sick I was feeling right now. He also admitted I wasn't that bad to be around, he had to be drunk still. He came back, handed me the water and walked out of the room without saying anything.

This was more like him, but it pissed me off more than anything. I was about to get up and follow him when he came back with a blanket and sat next to me on the couch. I felt my face go red.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked, smirking to himself.

"Nothing, forget it," I mumbled, drinking some of the water. Michael grabbed the TV remote and flicked through the channels until he landed on one that he liked. He pushed some of the blanket over to me and I snuggled myself underneath it.

"You look comfortable," he commented. 

"Mhmm," I was getting sleepy again, I leaned on Michael's shoulder to use as a pillow, "goodnight, Michael."


"What are you doing?" I heard Ashton growl.

"I was sleeping," Michael answered, clearly annoyed that Ashton had just woken him up.

"With her?" Ashton spat. He was fuming, I could tell by how he was speaking.

"She was sick, I sat up with her and watched TV and I fell asleep. Jesus, Ashton she's your little sister I don't think of her like that," Michael groaned.

"Yeah, and-" Ash started to say but stopped himself when I pretended to wake up. All I wanted to do was get away from Michael.

"Morning," I said coldly, and got up to walk to the bathroom. Ashton and Michael continued talking until I walked into the living room again. 

"Can we leave?" I asked Ashton, gesturing to the door. I refused to look over at Michael.

"Uh I'm supposed to stay to help clean up." Ashton uttered.

"I'm taking the car then. Text me when you need a ride," I said already walking to the door.

"What's wrong with her?" Michael whispered to Ash, obviously thinking I couldn't hear him.

"Hangover? I don't know. She's never this bad in the morning."

Hearing Michael's voice was making my blood boil, and I may have accidentally slammed Luke's front door as I made my exit. Just because I'm Ashton fucking Irwin's "little" sister I can't be thought of as anything else except a sister figure to anyone that was slightly associated with him. I was getting sick and tired of it.

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