Chapter 13.

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I'd been sitting on my bed for the past half an hour staring at my phone. I had to call Michael, but I couldn't bring myself to press the call button. I knew he was just going to say sorry, but I didn't want to forgive him, if I did I'd end up wanting to get with him again. For once Ashton was right, I should have stayed away from Michael, he was no good for me.

I looked at my phone again, I had to get this over sooner or later. I pressed the call button and immediately regretted it. I started chewing on my lip listening to the ringing, waiting to hear him.

"Kelsey?" He sounded surprised.

"Luke said to call." I said completely mono-tone. I didn't want him to know how nervous this phone call was making me.

"Oh," He sounded disappointed. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm an idiot, I know. I don't know why I said those things last night, but I did go back and tell them it wasn't true. I didn't mean to make you seem like a, erm, girl that gets around. I know you think us dating was just my plan to get in your pants, but that wasn't it. I genuinely like you, and care about you. I fucked up bad, I just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry. Uh, so yeah, thanks for listening I guess. You probably have better things to do."

"Okay." Was all I could say. I had a knot in my throat, I was about to cry.

"Bye Kelsey." He mumbled, and the line went quiet.

That was it. That goodbye was the end of us. Last night I had screamed at him telling him we were done, but it didn't feel like we were completely over. This goodbye was the proof that there was no more us, and it hurt. I was just sitting on my bed, I wasn't crying, I felt empty. There would be no more secret dates, and sneaking around. No more cuddling with him on Luke's couch, no more kisses, nothing. Everything was gone, yet I wasn't really sad. I wasn't feeling anything, I felt numb.

Maybe taking a walk would help. I forced myself off of my bed and grabbed my headphones. I walked to Ashton's room, he was sitting on his laptop and I knocked on his door. 

"I'm going for a walk." I said. 

"Have fun." He laughed and went back to whatever he was doing on his laptop.


*Michael's POV*

"All she said was okay, Luke. That was it!" I yelled.

"What did you expect? She's not going to forgive you that easily." He countered.

"I was expecting her to yell at me or something but there was nothing this time. I lost her, dammit." I slammed my fist down on Luke's kitchen table. 

This is why I didn't stick to one girl, I didn't like relationships. I always fuck something up. I needed to get out of here. My head was spinning.

"I'm gonna go." I said rushing out of Luke's house. 


*Kelsey's POV*

I'd been walking around for an hour, but I still felt awful. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I screamed and turned around to see Josh trying not to laugh. I pulled my headphones out of my ears and sighed.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just walking home and I saw you." He blushed.

"Well we can walk home together."

"Yeah, I'd like that." He smiled.

We just made small talk, and he even got me to laugh a few times. Being around Josh wasn't so bad.He was kind of shy and awkward, but it was cute. 

We had reached my house but Josh was still with me, and he had told me last night that he house was right down the street.

"I thought your house was down there?" I pointed.

"Yeah, I thought I would walk you home though." He blushed.

"Thank you, that's really so sweet." I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "Here give me your number, so we can plan to hang out instead of you finding me and scaring me to death again."

"Alright, I gotta go! I'll text you soon." He smiled and started walking away. 

I walked inside and Ashton was by the door.

"Creep." I said as I walked past him.

"Why were you with him?" Ashton asked, he seemed pretty pissed off.

"I was walking around and he saw me." I said sitting on the couch and turning the tv on.

"Kelsey, he's really not someone you want to be associated with." Ashton went on.

"You think that about everyone." I snapped.

"Kelsey, just stay away from him." Ashton whined.

"No, I can be friends with who I want. You're not my dad, Ashton. Can you leave me alone I want to watch tv in peace." I raised my voice.

He let out a sigh and stomped up the stairs, clearly very angry that I wasn't listening to his advice. I rolled my eyes, he was really being immature about this whole thing. Ashton and Josh had gotten into a fight in 9th grade, and Ashton couldn't get over it. 


*Michael's POV*

I had to pull over if not I was going to wreck my car. On my drive to attempt to calm myself down, I saw Josh and Kelsey were walking together. She was laughing and smiling at him. If I hadn't fucked up it would have been me. Ashton hated Josh, so seeing Kelsey with him was probably driving him crazy. I'd have to ask Ashton why he didn't like Josh. Maybe I could-

Fuck, here I am being absolutely pathetic and thinking I should get Kelsey away from him. I just want her to be happy. Even though I really wanted her to be happy with me, I wouldn't ruin her chances with someone else, that would make her hate me even more. I wanted things to go back to normal. Maybe even before we had started dating. When I would tease her all the time, and she'd get so frustrated with me it was adorable.

I went on this drive to stop thinking about her, but it's made it worse. I had to do something to get her back, or at least get her to be my friend. I just wanted us to be okay, even though I don't deserve it. 


This is short and boring and I'm sorry. This is basically just a filler. Shits gon' get poppin in the next chapter or two. 

Thank you for reading this, I actually can't believe there's 1,000+ reads on this. By the way, I'll never have you vote or comment for more chapters, I think that's ridiculous. I'm really glad you guys like this story though, it means a lot.

-Amanda (-:

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