Chapter 15.

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Josh looked like he was about ready to pass out, or throw up. I could hear Ashton's erratic breathing behind me, he was trying to control himself but it wasn't going to last much longer. Michael on the other hand was glaring at Josh and cracking his knuckles. 

"Are you going to say anything?" Michael snapped.

Josh took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, "Can you hold on a minute?" He whined.

"I'm sick of this shit." Michael growled, "I'll tell her if you don't start talking now."

Josh snapped his head up, "Suddenly you're the good guy?" He yelled, "Do you not remember what you did to her the other night? You're just as shitty as I am." 

Ashton turned to face Michael, his whole face turning red.

"What did you do, Michael?" Ashton growled.

"For fucks sake." Michael mumbled, then stepped closer to Josh, "You disgust me, what I did is no where near the vile things you've done."

"Calling her a slut in front of your friends is pretty bad, Michael." Josh grinned.

I looked over at Ashton, and he honestly looked extremely intimidating. "Michael, after I beat the shit out of him, I'm going to beat the shit out of you." He said through his teeth.

"What the hell did you do?" I screamed at Josh, "I know what Michael did I was there I don't want to talk about it! Now tell me what is this awful thing you've done!"

"He just loves taking pictures of people with out there permission." Michael started.

"Shut up." Josh said taking a step closer to Michael.

"Especially girls," Michael went on until Josh shoved him backwards.

I was done with this guessing game shit, I wanted to know the full story now.

"Josh stop, don't touch him. Keep talking, Michael." I said pushing Josh back.

"Josh had a website with all of these pictures he took of these girls. They were naked pictures, Kelsey. He went around the neighborhood and girls that had forgotten to close their shades while they were getting dressed or after a shower, he took pictures of them. He would creep outside their houses and just wait, you must have been good at it because you were never caught."

"Until you assholes told!" Josh fired back. 

He was defending himself? I was completely disgusted, those poor girls. Those pictures of them were on the internet forever, for everyone to see. I was going to be sick.

"Who were they?" I asked.

His face paled and he looked away from me.

"A few of the cheer leaders and popular girls and..." He trailed off.

Everyone was waiting for him to speak again but he didn't, he was looking down at his hands. 

"Oh god." I heard Luke mumble from the corner looking at me. It set off a chain reaction around the room.

Me. That sick fuck took pictures of me, and he was trying to be my friend.

"Get out." I said flatly. 


"Get the fuck out! You are disgusting! I'm never going to be able to get rid of those pictures, you don't even know who could have seen them, oh my god." I choked, "Isn't that child pornography or something! I'm not even 18 yet and there are naked pictures of me floating around somewhere, and there have been since 9th grade! If you don't get out of my house I'll kick the shit out of you, if I even see you near here I will not hesitate to call the police. I really thought you were nice, and wanted to be my friend, I guess I was wrong like always." 

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