Chapter 4.

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Michael gave me a wink before I walked outside with Ashton, what in all hell could he mean. I'd ask him about it the next time I saw him, he'd eventually tell me. I sighed and got into the passenger seat of the car.

"So what were you and Michael talking about?" Ashton asked as he started driving.

"Nothing really, what took you so long?" 

"The bathroom was still messy so I was just finishing up, so he slept on the couch with you last night?"

"Why is that a big deal?" I was getting annoyed with all this talk about Michael.

"Michael's pervy, and he could try to make a move I don't trust him around you okay?" Ashton sounded flustered.

"He thinks of me as his sister, there's nothing to even worry about." I grumbled. I just heard Ashton laugh and that was the end of the conversation. 


"Band practice is early tomorrow be ready if you want to come." Ash called from down the hall.

"Alright, goodnight."


Finally some damn time to think about what was going on. Ashton didn't trust Michael around me? So that's why he's so strict with him, but it's just because he's kind of a pervert? It didn't make sense Michael never looked at me as anything more than a sister. I decided to text him.

To: Michael
I still have no clue what the hell you were trying to get at earlier.

From: Michael
I'm not telling you, you have to figure it out (;

To: Michael
So why doesn't Ashton trust you around me?

From: Michael
That's a part of the thing you need to figure out Kels, goodnight see you at practice tomorrow.

To: Michael
Fine goodnight loser.

I decided to try to get some sleep and stop torturing myself about whatever Michael wanted me to figure out.


"I don't see why you have band practice so damn early, Ashton." I hissed.

"We need all the time we can get!" Ashton beamed. He was always so happy in the morning, the happy morning person gene clearly skipped over me. 

When we got to Luke's I laid across the couch, praying no one would bother me so I could go back to sleep.

"Nope! You're watching us!" Calum said tickling my sides. I screamed and fell off the couch.

"I hate you Cal." I said punching his arm. I walked into the kitchen only to find a shirtless Michael consuming a shit load of bacon and breakfast sausages. 

"Save some for me you pig."  I said snatching some off his plate. 

"So I assume you still haven't figured anything out yet." He teased.

"Can you just tell me, I'm never going to get this." I begged. He had gotten up from his seat to put his plate in the sink and then walked over to me.

"You'll figure it out eventually." He whispered in my ear. Goosebumps erupted all over me, as I watched him walk out of the kitchen he was smirking. This was going to be a long day.


"Uh Kels." Luke called from upstairs. 


"Ashton fell asleep, so if you want you can stay over."

I sighed, "Yeah sure." I heard Luke's footsteps walk away and Michael was sitting by me laughing to himself.

"I bet you only agreed to stay, because I'll be here." Michael said still laughing.

"Uh no, I'd rather not drive home when I'm tired. Don't be so cocky." He was kind of right though, maybe I'd be able to get the answers I needed out of him.

"Michael, can we play truth or dare, I'm bored." He laughed.

"I know where you're going with this, so no we can't play truth or dare."

"You're no fun, party pooper." I pouted, he just laughed some more. "I'm going to get a drink."

"Will you get me one please?" 

"Nope, you can get it yourself." I smiled and walked into the kitchen. I was looking through the fridge to see if Luke had anything other than alcohol when I heard foot steps. "Aw good, you decided not to be lazy." I found a water bottle and turned around to find Michael extremely close to me. He was a lot taller than me, and he would have looked intimidating if he wasn't smiling like an idiot.

"Let me see that water." He said grabbing it out of my hands.

"You could have got your own!" I whined trying to steal back my water. Michael took a drink from it and laughed.

"Kels, this isn't water it's vodka." 


I watched as Michael grabbed two glasses from the cabinets and filled them up with water from the tap.

"This is the only water in this house." He said laughing and handing one to me.

"Thanks." We walked back to the couch and sat down again. I sighed. "Are you positive you don't want to play truth or dare." He thought about it for a minute and sighed.

"Fine I'm asking you first. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." No way in hell would I let him give me a dare, he laughed.

"So did you like that guy in Starbucks today?" He asked, he almost seemed nervous.

"I've known him for a while he used to be one of Ashton's best friends, but no I don't like him like that. Truth or dare?"

"Either way you're going to ask me to tell you what I want you to figure out right?" I nodded. "So um well, Ash doesn't trust me around you because I've told him before that I think you're cute and I might like you a bit." He puffed out a breath and turned his head away from me. I sat there eyes wide and confused, Michael Clifford like me? No?

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