Chapter 6.

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I stood silent as Michael held me. Was I actually going to forgive him this easily? No, I couldn't.

"Please don't be mad at me." He whispered, if he'd talked any softer I wouldn't even been able to hear him. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me, what if he was telling the truth. I never even gave him a chance to explain himself, I got angry and didn't let him talk. He squeezed me tighter, and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. "Please." He breathed.

My knees were going weak, and my mind was racing. How was I supposed to even think clearly with him being this cute.

"Kels, I'm so sorry. About everything. I just want to let you know I wasn't lying the other night. I'm sorry." I felt his grip on me loosen, I panicked and clung to him.

"Don't leave." I croaked out. If we didn't fix this now, it would never get fixed. We'd go on ignoring each other, and that's something I didn't want. "I'm not mad, Michael. I'm sorry for not letting you explain and fo-"

"Stop apologizing it's not your fault." His tight hold on me returned and he leaned down to my ear. "Promise you're not mad?" He mumbled.

"I promise." Michael seemed to let out a breath he'd been holding in, and he loosened up.

"Can we go back in and get more pizza, I only had one slice and I'm starving."

"Well if you weren't being such an ass you could have had more." I laughed and he did too. "Come on Clifford let's go." I pulled him by the wrist back into Luke's house. Three sets of eyes were on us immediately.

"Thought one of you was gonna end up murdering the other." Calum smirked. "You can really hold your own Kels."

I blushed, they had heard Michael and I's fight? So that meant Ashton heard it too? That could explain why he was giving Michael an awful look. 

"Uh, is there any pizza left." Michael asked breaking the silence. 

"Yeah there's tons." Luke said opening a box, Michael looked pleased and started eating right away. I sat back down next to Luke who smiled at me.

"So did you make up, there wasn't a lot of yelling after a while." He whispered leaning closer to me.

"Yeah we're okay now." 

"So are you two on speaking terms again?" Calum asked darting his eyes between Michael and I. I saw a smile spread across Michael's face, causing me to smile a bit.

"Yep, things are back to normal." Michael beamed.

"What'd you do to piss her off Mike?" Calum went on.

"Hey this isn't 20 questions." I added, I really didn't want this to get brought up in front of Ashton. He was already angry enough.

"It is now!" Calum laughed, "So what caused that fight outside, Clifford. You turned down pizza, so something happened." 

"Uh nothing, it was awkward so I thought it would be better if I left." Michael lied.

"Uh huh sure, this is going no where." Calum sighed. 

"We should probably go." Ashton said still glaring at Michael. I rolled my eyes, he was so childish. 

"Thank you for the pizza, Luke." I said getting up.

"I'll call you later." Michael said through a mouth full of food. I nodded and winced at the nasty mush in his mouth. I could have sworn I heard Ashton whisper, "you won't", but I wasn't sure. Ashton waved to all the guys and sulked out to the car, and I followed after him.

We were driving for a bit and I could almost feel the anger radiating from Ashton. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white. I sighed and he looked over at me for a second.

"What's going on with you and Michael?" He growled.

"We're friends." I stated, I wasn't lying. Nothing serious had actually happened between Michael and I... yet. That was enough to set Ashton off.

"Don't lie to me Kelsey!" He said completely looking away from the road. "There's something going on I'm not stupid! I see the way he looks at you and you were yelling at him for making you feel like shit! This is what I mean he's no good-" His yelling was cut off but a long car horn, and a crash. I felt my body being jerked around, until I hit my head off of something. Then everything went black.


ugh I'm so sorry this is so short, I would go on but I have to get up in 6 hours and I'm going to be at the mall all day. I'll try to get another chapter up later today, if not there will definitely be a new chapter tomorrow. Thank you for reading, and putting up with my grammar and spelling mistakes. I'll eventually go back and fix them, I promise (-:


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