Chapter 30.

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I woke up to Michael's little snores, his arms wrapped around me, and the blankets kicked all the way off the bed. I wasn't really surprised about his death grip on me, he had barely left my side since he got here. Not that I was complaining, it was pretty cute. I didn't want to wake him up yet so I studied his face. His pouty lips were parted, and he looked at peace. I looked up at his hair, it was all over the place and he looked like a cotton ball. I loved the color on him, it made his eyes stand out more. My eyes traveled down to his neck, where I had left a dark purple mark. I scooted closer to him, because the air conditioner had kicked on and it was about to become Antarctica in here. He groaned and squeezed my sides, which made me flail my legs and accidentally kick his leg.

"Owwwww." He whined, his eyes still closed. "You gave me a Charley horse. I wasn't expecting to be assaulted when I woke up." He mumbled.

"Don't be a baby." I giggled, and kissed his shoulder. He huffed and peeked one of his eyes open. He smiled, and then smiled and closed it again.

"I missed this." He said, and pulled me closer, if that was even possible. I kissed his neck in response. "Not again." He croaked, "I just woke up and that's a problem in itself, Kelsey. Don't you dare make it worse." He said trying to sound stern.

"What are you talking about?" I smirked, and continued kissing his neck. I trailed my hand down his chest and stômach, and my fingers lingered above the waist band of his bôxers. I heard him suck in a harsh breath.

"Do not start anything that you're not going to finish, I'm not entirely fond of wànking in the bathroom when I have my girlfriend to do it for me in the next room." He growled. I looked up at his face through my lashes, his eyes were dark and hooded, and his cheeks were flushed. I loved knowing I had this effect on him. It was fun teasing him, but I could tell he was in no mood for it right now. I bit my lip, and decided to do this for him. I positioned myself between his lègs, and hooked my fingers in his bôxers ready to get them off. I started pulling them down, and Michael held his breath.

"Oh no, no, no! I did not just fûcking see that! I'm going to go blind, I don't want to see ever again!" Luke yelled bumping into the door running out of the bedroom. I was so startled I dove off of the bed and Michael stayed put. He didn't seem amused. "I just wanted to tell you we were going to get breakfast!" Luke called from somewhere in the hotel room. I looked at Michael from the floor, his jaw was tensed and his eyes were squeezed shut.

"Always fûcking interrupted." He muttered. I climbed back onto the bed with him, and hid my face in between his neck and shoulder. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I felt bad this was the second time, I had left him hanging (more like standing hey ho amiright). He chuckled, and his chest vibrated. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed the top of my hair.

"Not your fault." He whispered, and then very suddenly yelled, "Fuck you Luke!" I heard Luke and the boys start laughing. "Asshole." Michael whispered again. I started giggling, I couldn't help it. Things like this always happened to us, it was kind of ridiculous.

"Not even funny. Do you know how excited I was about that?" He asked.

"I mean I think I could kind of tell." I replied, trying my hardest not to laugh. Michael shook his head and ran a hand over his face. "Later." I whispered. I kissed his neck and got up from the bed. "I want breakfast don't you dare leave without me!" I yelled and found the boys sitting on the couch watching the television.

"We'd get lost here without you." Calum said smiling. Michael stalked out of the bedroom with a scowl on his face. Luke choked on his laughter and I looked away to keep myself from laughing as well.

"We'd all appreciate if you kept the PDA to a minimum, Mikey." Luke grinned.

"It wasn't even PDA, it was in our room! You came barging in, you could have knocked or something!" Michael whined.

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