Chapter 28.

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Getting up for school every day was something I surely hadn't missed this summer. I listened to my alarm going off for a few minutes trying to gather up the strength to reach my arm over to my nightstand to shut it off. It had to be unhealthy to be awake this early. The sun was barely peeking through the one window in my dusty little room, I needed to fix the room up but I was way too lazy especially with school starting. After a mental pep talk with myself I rolled out of bed and got ready.

I was nervous about going to a new school, but I already had friends so it wouldn't be so bad. I felt particularly sad today, usually on the first day of school Ash would drive to all the boys' houses to pick them up and we would all manage to squeeze into the car. I would miss Ashton laughing loudly at Luke because he was too tall to fit into the backseat, and I'd miss Michael telling him to shut up because it was way too early, and Calum just sitting in the middle of it all. This year it would be different for them too though, Ashton had graduated and I wondered if he would pick the boys up anyway. If I was there I would make him, it was just a stupid tradition that I looked forward to every year. 

I locked the door to my apartment, and shuffled down the stairs, because the damn elevator still hadn't been fixed. I had a few minutes until the bus came to pick me up, and I was surprised by how many people there were waiting for the bus. Jacob had told me that this was his stop too, but I didn't see him. Maybe he'd gotten a ride with someone. I would have liked to have a friend to sit with, because it was going to be awkward as hell trying to find somewhere to sit. I sighed quietly to myself, I'd probably just stand in the aisle or something. When the bus arrived it was like a surge to the door, I stayed in the back of the crowd I didn't want to piss anyone off, yet. As the doors were closing Jacob slid onto the bus out of breath and red in the face. I laughed a little and turned to him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I overslept. I'm so out of shape." He laughed and I joined in. 

He found us two open seats near the back of the bus, and I was grateful. I probably would have fallen over if I had stayed standing, this bus driver was going at least forty and whipping around corners.

"So how excited are you?" Jacob asked sarcasm apparent in his voice.

"Super excited." I said rolling my eyes.

"Every ones going to hit on you cause you're the new girl, and you're Australian." He went on.

"No way, no one will even notice me." I scoffed. I mean when you looked at me you couldn't tell I was Australian right away. You'd have to hear my accent, and I wasn't going to be doing much talking today anyway.

After I'd gotten my schedule squared away in the main office, I went to show my friends what classes I had. I had most of my classes with Jacob, and the other ones I had with Cameron and Tessa. That was a huge relief because I'd never been one to find my way around places easily. I'd be looking for my first period class all day knowing me. The homeroom bell rang, and I followed Erica to our homeroom. I took a seat next to her and waited for everyone else to pile in. 

"When I call your name please say 'Here'." A short man with thick black framed glasses and orange hair said, I assumed he was our homeroom teacher. He went through the list, and called my name.

"Here." I said, trying to sound as American as I could. But I failed miserably, considering how hard Erica was laughing next to me. Orange hair guy looked up at me and raised and eyebrow, and nodded knowingly but didn't say anything more. He probably knew I was the new Australian girl, I was thankful he didn't say anything more. Erica was still giggling next to me and I hit her shoulder.

"You sounded Irish or something, that was awful." She giggled.

"Was it really that bad?" I questioned, I needed to practice this American accent thing. Erica nodded in response.

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