Chapter 21.

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Until I went to sleep last night and right when I woke up, Michael had been apologizing to me. I really wasn't mad at him, but he kept insisting he knew I was upset. After a while I just assumed it would be best for him to get the apologizing out of his system. Someone from management, or something, was coming over to talk with the boys today. They were busy cleaning up the flat while I was catching up on the twitter drama that had broken out last night. I didn't check twitter as frequently as the boys and I made a promise to start using it more, especially since the fans knew Michael and I were dating. Which I was still confused about how they knew, but whatever. I decided to try to clear the air with them and tweet about how the boy that hugged me last night was just a boy that helped me get home and that was it. A bunch of tweets poured in, some saying they knew it and believed me and others that I was lying. I shrugged it was the best I could do, they could believe what they wanted. I set my phone down and walked into the living room where the boys were sitting.

They were so jittery and excited to talk with whoever was coming to the flat, I couldn't help but smile. I sat down next to Michael and he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Ashton rolled his eyes at us, and made gagging noises.

"You two are so lovey it's a bit revolting." Ash groaned. Michael laughed and started kissing my forehead and cheek. "Stop it! That's you're disgus-" Someone was knocking on the door, and we all froze. I nudged Michael, and he jumped up and nearly ran to the door. 

"Hey, uh... come in. Yeah, come in." He said nervously scratching at the back of his neck. I heard the click of heels, and Barbie strutted into the room. The boys were ogling at her, and I wanted to throw up, she was part of management? She was so young, there was no way she was over twenty. Along with her gorgeous complexion, she had large assets that she was not trying to hide. Her button down blouse wasn't buttoned all the way to the top, and it was showing more than a fair amount of cleavage. Her skirt was also a bit short for a damn business woman and you could have found those damn heels on a stripper. She sat down on the unoccupied love seat in the living room and smiled at us. 

"I'm Janelle, and it's lovely to finally meet you all." She beamed, she was already annoying me and her voice was the icing on the cake. I narrowed my eyes at her as Michael took his seat next to me. No one was speaking they were all just staring at her. She had this smug look on her face, because she knew she had all of them drooling over her. I rolled my eyes and slumped down on the couch.

"Uh h-hi, yeah um, it's nice to uh meet you too." Luke managed to choke out, I was surprised his eyes weren't popping out of his head. She was taking attendance, putting names to faces now and when she got to me she smiled. I cocked an eyebrow waiting for her to say something.

"Oh yeah!" She squeaked, "You're Ashton's little sister. I almost forgot."

"I'm flattered that you remembered me. I'm Kelsey, by the way." I seethed, I was going to rip her fake bleached hair right out of her head. Michael nudged me and gave me "the look", signaling that I needed to calm down. She gave me a small forced smile and went back to eyeing up the boys.

"So, you're first show is in five days and you need to start rehearsing. Tomorrow at eight, you wake up and we take you over to the venue to rehearse. You get the next day off, then the next day you practice, and so on. Got it?" Who died and made this bitch boss?

The boys nodded and she gave them a flirty smile, and she stood up. She didn't even bother fixing her skirt that was already too far up her damn legs, instead she pulled down her shirt a bit further to expose her boobs even more.

"That's all, I'll see you all tomorrow." She smirked and exited the flat. I got up and went to my room the minute the front door clicked shut. I was thrilled that Barbie was calling all the shots for the boys, and was going to be around them all the time. This was going to be great!

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