Chapter 25.

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I was deeply regretting my decision to move to America for school. I just left all of my friends and my family. Obviously 5 Seconds of Summer was going to start touring or something, so I had just left my mom alone. All I wanted was to go back, I wanted this stupid plane to turn around and take me back. 

Why did I think that I would be able to do this on my own? I had been taken care of all my life by Ashton and my mother. Maybe now that I thought of it, being Ashton's baby sister wasn't that bad. I leaned my head against the window of the plane, I needed to sleep. I couldn't spend the whole flight crying.

The man next to me shook my shoulder, and looked at me apologetically. 

"The flight landed." He said and quickly got up out of his seat. I groaned and stood up. I was officially in America. I swallowed the lump in my throat and slowly made my way off the plane. I picked up my luggage and I was on my own. 

I followed the exit signs until I was outside, and flagged down a cab. I mumbled the adress to the apartment I was staying at and we were on our way. The more I was here, the more I wanted to leave. I sighed, I needed to give this place a chance until I decided I really wanted to go home. 

After lugging my bags up three flights of stairs because the elevator was broken in this stupid building, I was sure I wanted to go home. I hated this place. I sunk down the wall until I was in a curled up ball on the floor. I just wanted to go home. I had no idea what time it was in Australia, but I needed to talk to my mom. I picked myself up off the floor, and moved to the small and squeaky bed in the corner of the tiny room. I dialed her number, and she picked up after the second ring.

"Kelsey, did you land yet?" She asked immediately.

"Yeah, uh about an hour ago." I replied.

"Are you alright, you sound upset?" 

I shook my head, I know she couldn't see me but I couldn't get the words out.

"Kelsey, you just need time to adjust. Give it a few weeks and you'll love it." She encouraged.

"Yeah, I guess I can do that." I sniffled.

"Go out and meet people, make friends. Please, don't be a hermit." She laughed.

"I won't be a hermit." I giggled. "Thanks mum, I feel a bit better. I have to go unpack. I love you. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I love you, be good." She said, and I ended the call. I smiled a bit, for the first time since I got on the plane. I looked around at my bags scattered all over the floor. I had no idea how I was going to stuff all of my clothes into the tiny dresser, that was sitting by the one window in the whole room collecting dust.

I gave up unpacking half way through my second bag, and decided to try to find somewhere to get something to eat. After walking around for a while I saw that Fat Burger was the most popular place around here. I walked in, and saw a couple, or what I assumed was a couple, laughing and eating their meals. I instantly thought back to Michael and I's first date. I tore my eyes away from them, and walked up to the counter.

"Welcome to Fat Burger, what can I get you?" A small girl with auburn hair and freckles asked quickly.

"Can I just get a small fat burger without onions, and tomatoes." I said looking up at the menu. When I looked back down to the girl, she was kind of staring at me. I cocked an eyebrow, and she looked away quickly and typed my order into the register machine thing.

"Uh that will be $3.75." She said. I mentally smacked myself in the head.

"For fucks sake." I mumbled. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot you don't accept Australian money here. I'm really sorry to waste your time." My cheeks were heating up, how embarrassing was this.

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