Chapter 32.

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I had spent every minute that I possibly could with Michael over the last three days. I had decided on skipping school, because it was only the first week and we couldn't have been learning anything that important. Michael and I hadn't done anything particularly exciting, we just cuddled and talked.

Now it was four o'clock in the morning and my heart was pounding through my chest, they were leaving today. I looked over at Michael, his lips were parted and he looked so peaceful. I had been close to crying since he had fallen asleep, and now Niagara falls was currently flowing from my eyes. I had to keep a hand over my mouth to cease any sound that I made. I did not want him to wake up under any circumstance because he would see how much of a mess I was. I had an hour to get myself together.

I quietly got up from our hotel bed, and walked to the bathroom. I frowned at my appearance, my nose was red, my eyes puffy, and my cheeks were stained with tears. I splashed cold water on my face to try to make it look like I hadn't been crying for hours. I stalked back into the bedroom and slipped under the bed covers, I scrolled through my twitter feed because there was no point in going to sleep now.

I heard Michael's alarm on his phone go off, and my breathing stopped for a minute. He groaned and rolled over to reach his phone. He rolled over to me, to find me already awake and probably looking like a deer in headlights. My whole body was shaking, he was really leaving today.

"Morning." He said quietly, and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I curled up against his chest, and he let out a sigh. "I love you." He said, stroking my hair.

"You up?" I heard Ashton ask from somewhere.

"Yeah." Michael answered.

"We have to be at the airport in half an hour." Ashton called back from somewhere further away, I gripped Michael's shirt tighter. I could hear the shuffling of feet, the boys were all last minute packing. Michael sat up, and cradled me in his lap.

"Baby." He said sadly, and I looked up at him and frowned. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself and hugged me to his chest.

"Are you all packed?" I asked with a shaky voice. I hoped he was so I didn't have to let go of him yet.


We sat in silence, because what was there to say? This time hurt much more than when I left, because now we were in a good place and I wouldn't be able to see him for months. Every time things were going good with us, something had to ruin it. I knew it made us stronger when we worked through the problems, but that didn't stop it from hurting. Were relationships seriously meant to be this hard? I guess for Michael and I, it was to be expected. We were complete opposites, but we both wanted each other equally as much as the other. We fought like no tomorrow, but when things were good they were really good. But we would always find a way back to each other, some times would be longer than others but we were always drawn back. Michael was my first love, and I wasn't going to let distance tear us apart. 

"Erm, we gotta go." Calum mumbled walking into our room. Michael and I nodded, and I detached myself from him. I put on a sweatshirt and shoes, and followed Michael out of the bedroom slowly. 

We walked out of the hotel in silence, and the ride to the airport was very quiet as well. I was gripping onto Michael's hand for dear life. He would kiss the top of my head every once in a while, and run his thumb over my knuckles trying to soothe me. I was trying my best not to cry yet, I didn't want to make anyone any more upset.

The van came to a hault, and we were at the airport. I was in a panic now, and Michael helped me out of the van. He was still holding my hand as we walked into the airport. There were fans and people taking pictures, and I hoped they wouldn't ask for any pictures with the boys. I was being selfish, and awful but these were my best friends, my brother, and boyfriend. They were leaving, and I wasn't going to see them until school had a break, and that two months away.

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