We r dating!?

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We were entering d jam room when suddenly some girl.....I dont know who came n literally threw herself over manik. Arghgh....I just wanted to punch her right in her face....who the hell is she to hug my Mani like this n look at her dude....her clothes!....how can sum1 where such exposing dresses in college!?!?.....arghg...aiyappa I hate her!!....wait! What?....nandini murthy how can u hate sum 1 who u don't even know!!...cumon don't judge a book by its cover....maybe she's a nice girl.....let's c....
I came out of my thoughts only to c dat bloody girl calling manik "BABY" like ssly....well that means manik is DATING HER!! Wth!! He did not even care telling me about it...huh!


That idiot soha was hugging me.....no no not hugging....actually throwing herself on me n I was trying to free myself from her.....man! She is so damn chipku!!....I then saw nandu standing in a corner completely annoyed n I knew dat diz wud happen....I mean we r childhood frnds n r highly possessive about each other n diz scenario of soha hugging me n calling me BABY had left her fuming in anger. I looked around n asked fab4 who were busy giggling on me to help me get rid of soha with pleeding eyes when finally nandu broke d silence n said in an annoyed tone "umm....manik don't u think the hugging session went way too long!?" That was when alia asked soha to get away....phew finally!!
I turned towards nandu n quickly pulled her in a side hug close to me. She was really shocked like sometime ago a girl throws herself over me n now I m sticking to her as if I m her boyfriend.
Nandini tried to move away but my grip on her was too tight for her to get away. After a while cabir asked "Manik mind introducing this beautiful angel standing beside u?" I just glared at cabir n was about to introduce nandini when again soha spoke..." Baby....how long has it been I didn't c u.....u know I was missing u sooo badly! N ya whoz diz ugly face to whom u r sticking so much today....baby leave her na she is not worth it" this was enough for me to boil with anger....I can bear anything but not nandu's insult so without any delay I blurted d most unexpected " soha stop! Stop right there! U hv no right to speak such shit for my GIRLFRIEND get dat straight in us head n if diz happens next time den even I don't know wat I vl do to u so u better leave" "but baby" "LEAVE I SAID".
After she left I turned to nandini followed by the others who were waiting for me to explain things but I chucked those looks n took nandini in a bone crushing hug which she too responded keeping aside all her anger for a few moments.

End of POV...


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Nanduuu!! .....

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