What Is Soha Up To?

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Fab 5 jam room

Soha stood there with a victorious smirk next to Mr. Khurana who was too busy at passing smug smiles towards fab 5 while on the other hand fab 5 were frustrated with Soha's presence and the thought of Soha being around them almost all the time as their band manager was enough to piss them off.

Khurana: kisi random par bharosa karne se better hai why not appoint someone whom I can trust blindly isliye Soha and she has ample knowledge about music and also knows how I work and what all I like so she might be really helpful to you so that's why I thought why not make her only your manager

He justified his act making fab 5 roll their eyes.

Dhruv: but sir we really don't need all this

Mukti: exactly sir we will manage, there's no need to stress so much

She said faking a smile and trying to sound as sincere as possible but was failing to keep her calm.

Soha: oh come on guys dad isn't stressing and don't worry about me, I am more than happy to do this and this way I can also get to know more about you (looking at manik) all and guess I will be having some awesome friends by the end of this album too so why not

She said in her sickly sweet voice. Fab 5 were left with no choice but to agree because they knew the consequences of going against her.

Music room

As fab 5 were busy with their album, yaari, that is, nandini, maddy, navya, aryaman and Abhi decided to jam for a while and hence they all were now sitting in the music room and trying to compose a song.

Nandini: guys this feels so good na..been so long since we jammed together

Maddy: agreed munchkin and ab se we will try to practice everyday or maybe every alternate day...what say?

Aryaman: ofcourse

Navya: sounds good to me

Aryaman: Abhi bro...where are you lost?

He asked seeing Abhi not paying attention to their talks and lost in thoughts.

Abhi: ha? Um...nothing...was just thinking about fab 5

Navya: fab 5?

Abhi: ha that Soha...I don't trust her. She can go to any extent and ruin fab 5 to get manik and in that process she can harm nandu too and I am worried

Maddy: oh come on bro you really think that I...um I mean we will let her harm munchkin? No ways

He said side hugging nandini possessively.

Abhi: I know we won't let her but still we need to be cautious right?

Navya: Abhi chill...yeh sab badme dekha jaega...don't stress over it so much

Nandini: navya is right Bhai and as long as you all are there with me, there is nothing that can harm me ya?

Abhi nodded, still not sure but did not show it on his face.

Fab 5 jam room

Mr. Khurana had already left and now it was only fab 5 and Soha in the jam room. Fab 5 wanted to resume practice so they asked Soha to leave them alone as politely as possible but she denied saying that she wanted to see them practice to which they reluctantly agreed.

Manik: Cabir I want the bass heavy alright and alia play the piano notes a little high

Both Cabir and alia nodded and they played again as manik asked them to and all this while Soha stared at manik dreamily making him uncomfortable.

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