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I grinned widely as cabir mentioned about the news I wanted to disclose in front of everyone. Nandu was confused but beamed as soon as I mentioned that it was a good news. "Bhai what is it? Say na!" She whined as I was taking my own sweet time, testing her patience. I finally said "its about us...", looking towards mukti with a never ending smile which she genuinely returned. "What about you and mukti Abhi?" Asked manik who seemed to be equally curious to know about what was going on as the others. I took a deep breath to compose myself from the overwhelming happiness I was feeling at the moment and spoke," umm guys I don't know how you all are going to take it and mukti...we..." Damn! Its isn't easy at all. It was so so awkward. I again took a deep breath and continued walking in mukti's direction and held her hand as I reached her. "Guys.....mukti has decided to give me a chance as in we....we...." I blushed. God! You are blushing abhimanyu murthy....what's wrong with you!? My brain questioned amazed by my girly behaviour. "We?" Asked cabir telling me to continue where I left and I continued composing myself. I so knew they were teasing me, they had already got a hint and were waiting for my statement to confirm it. "We are together!" I finally spoke and nandini pounced upon me, squealing. "Bhaiiiiii....I'm so happy for you!" I stumbled a bit but balanced myself managing a smile on my lips mumbling a thank you to her. "Thanks baby doll....its all because of you....if it were not you then I would have never felt so confident and I would have never expressed my feelings to mukti." I told her but she straightway refused to take any credit. "No Bhai its not because of me, it's all because of you" she said pointing her index finger at me. "Yes Bhai, you had hopes and hopes never let you down. Your faith in yourself and your love encouraged you to express your feelings to mukti. But anyways I'm so happy for the two of you." Yeah. I could actually make out how happy my baby doll was for me and mukti. Nandini congratulated mukti and mukti smiled. I was in awe, how my little sister grew up so fast that today because of her I had the courage to confess my love to the love of my life. Brother-sister bond you know. 😳 I was feeling so content now. I was busy in my thoughts when cabir spoke. "Are but Abhi aise kaise you guys are together huh?" I gave him a confused look and he continued. "What I mean is that you should even propose mukti right?" He said and the others nodded in agreement. I was more than ready for it. I quickly gave in and now I was standing in front of mukti, we both sharing an intense eye lock.
I begun.

End of POV

"Mukti....I seriously don't know from where to start and where to end. I don't even know when I fell for you so deeply that I lost control over myself and couldn't help myself but fall for you. Mukti.....when that bastard harshad was with you, I don't know why but I felt very frustrated. There was this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I wasn't able to make out. I avoided it, thinking that it was only because I thought that harshad wasn't the one for you and you deserved someone even better. Soon harshad broke up with you and you were shattered, you went under depression and that broke me." Abhi confessed and a lone tear made its way down from mukti's eye, remembering the days when she was with harshad and how he cheated on her and left her broken. Abhi saw this and wiped it off shaking his head in a no and curved her lips in a smile.
"Mukti I know you were hurt and you still are somewhere down the line but trust me these precious pearls na are not worth to be wasted on someone like him." Abhi said pointing at her tears which made her smile faintly.
"You know whenever I saw your glowing face become so pale, I....I used to get angry and frustrated with myself that being your friend how could I not protect you. I felt guilty about it. I didn't know what were these feelings but I surely knew that whatever I felt for you was way more than infatuation. Slowly I realized that I was falling hard for you, that I was and I am in love with you. I was on the seventh sky after I realized my love for you but did not have the courage to tell you about my feelings. I was afraid that I will lose you even as my friend but I could not hold myself any longer.....(bending down on his one knee) so Ms. Mukti Vardhan today I, abhimanyu murthy wants to confess to you that I love you and have fallen really deep for you. I LOVE YOU! I promise you to protect you always, I promise you to always be there for you in all your happiness and sorrow, I promise you that I will try my best to pull you out of the darkness and light up your world and never let that gorgeous smile of yours fade away. So will u give me a chance? Will you give US a chance? Will you?" He completed and everyone present there were spellbound by such a pure expression of love from his side. Nandini felt blessed and proud to have a brother like Abhi while mukti was in tears. Abhi's condition was no different, even he had tears in his eyes. Mukti stood there numb without saying anything. Abhi got worried and said"mukti?" Which was enough to break her trance. She bent down near Abhi and hugged him tight, sobbing in his embrace, shredding happy tears, thinking how could he love her so much. Abhi just tightened his hold in her to console her and assure her of his presence while the others stood there silently admiring the newly born love birds in their group, smiling within themselves contently.😇💜

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