Letting Go

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Two days passed in a blur. Me and manik still used to enter the college together but then we drift in different directions. This had become usual now. Manik spent his all day with fab 5 especially with mukti and me and manik, well....we only met each other in college. Mukti had asked manik to pick me up in mid way for college where fab 5 would move into a different car and I'll be with manik in his car. Strange na? How our lives changed so much! Me and manik who were inseparable are now far away from each other. I was broken but I did not let it affect me, I had to be strong. Even Bhai and mukti are somewhat getting back to normal now. Thank god I forced Bhai that day to talk to mukti and to choose her over me or he would have lost his love and I could not let that happen.


Nandini was sitting on the staircase behind the music wing silently staring at nothing after mukti's outburst. Silent tears were making their way down her cheek but she was still trying to be strong. This was how nandini was.... strong and selfless. Always concerned about others. Others are always before her in her life. She was sitting there deep in her thoughts when suddenly she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, she wiped her tears and turned around. She smiled seeing the person and said...

Nandini: are bhai baitho na.....come

Abhi sat beside her and began talking.

Abhi: nandu you know na.....you can talk to me. I know you were no where at fault...its...its just that mukti is a bit insecure and impulsive and thus reaches to conclusions without even thinking properly. I know she has hurt you a lot but don't take it wrong. But ya this time she crossed her limits and I can never forgive her for this! 😈 She has accused my sister and I can't stand this. No way!

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