chapter 4: first mission! and our Sensei

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Your pov

Kakashi Hatake, former ANBU black ops member is our Sensei. I sighed and crossed my arms as he had the eraser dropped on his head.
"You fell for that?" I asked as i raised an eyebrow at him, my (h/c) was pushed back by my headband that had the leafs symbol carved into it. Kakashi just sighed and walked in, telling us what he expected of us. He also said to meet him at the training grounds fence.

Timeskip brought to you by Me!

I had packed all i needed and dropped my weapons into the holders. "I'm ready!" I said happily before I looked at the picture of my family before they died. (I now have an idea! Oh meh good!) I wasn't raised here at first, we lived in the sand village, where the rest of my family lived.
Where i left my last sibling. I can't think of that now! I have a mission! I thought before i ran out of my house onky to run into Sasuke, who was walking by on his way to the training grounds,
His dark eyes moved to me before he started to walk again, i just growled and ran ahead of him to meet up with Naruto.

Sasuke's pov

"I need to work harder if i am to get what i want..." i mumbled before I felt someone push me, my eyes moved to who had done this. Only to come face to face with (Y/n), i watched her for a moment before i started to walk. Just as i began to hum, (Y/n) raced pass me towards Naruto's house to probably get him up.

Your pov

I went to Naruto's door and knocked before i opened the door to see him sprawled out on his bed. I went to his kitchen and made him breakfast before I poured water on his face to wake him up.
"What?" He asked, his voice raspy from just waking up.
"Get up, eat. Food is on the table." I ordered, i thought of him as my brother, my family. The only thing that keeps me going asides from revenge. I thought. I live for my friend to try and make his life better then mine was. He needs this, after all, he only has three friends, me, The Hokage and our previous Sensei. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Naruto.
"I'm ready!" He yelled with a hint of happiness in his voice before he pulled me out of his apartment. I just gave a short meaningless laugh as i was dragged to the training grounds to meet everyone.

Timeskip brought to you by a flying frog named Llama

Once Naruto had stopped and we were at the training grounds i jumped up into a pole and sat there, my (e/c) eyes bright.
Sometime passed and Sensei still wasn't here, soon i got bored. "Who wants to go and get ramen!" I yelled as Naruto looked at me with silly grin plastered on his face.
"Then, we Naruto are going to get some ramen. Lets go!" I said with a short fake laugh as i jumped down from the pole. I then looked up to look atout silver haired Sensei. "Oh, hello Sensei. I see you finally made it!" I said as i watched his movements.
"Now that i am here, we may begin. There is one thing that we need to do before you are all Genin. You need to get, these bells." Kakashi held up two bells, infront of us.
I nodded as he continued. "There are no rules, you have until this afternoon to get them. The two people that don't get the bells, won't get lunch as we eat infront of them. We start..." there was a breif pause before he said 'now!"
We were all gone, well asides from a certain blonde that stood on the pole behind Kakashi watching him.

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