chapter 10: training or a mission?

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Your pov

I sighed and looked at around the path I took to the training grounds. I hadn't been down this path since I was little, about three or four. I looked around with a frown, I didn't like it, to me the trees looked like they were watching me. I sighed and shook my head before I came to a clearing to see Sasuke and Naruto fighting again. Sakura was watching, looking almost horrified with what was happening. I growled and opened my water bottle and made a water prison around Sasuke my eyes narrowed.
He tried to get out but failed and once he gave up I realsed him. Sasuke gasped for air and glad at me, I returned the glare, my (e/c) eyes cold and dark.
"don't act like Children. We have a job, so pay attention and wait!" I hissed at them before I started to cough again. Sasuke smirked at me as Naruto random to my side and sat me down in the ground.
"You okay (Y/n)?" He asked as Sakura ran over to me as well, she seemed worried about someone other Sasuke for once.
"How did you get sick? What happened?" She asked as she started to fuss over me.
"Sasuke pushed m-" I coughed. "Me into a lake." I explained. She gasped at what I said and looked at Sasuke with shock in her eyes. "He isn't perfect you know. He may be nice to the eyes, but his personality isn't overly nice." I mumbled and stood up.
Sasuke watched me, he was dry thanks to him having fire based chakura. That was when Kakashi showed up, looking at us. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life." He said before he looked at us. "Did everyone take sides? Were you going to have a mock battle?" He asked.
"Ask Sasuke what were doing. He should know what he did." Naruto said as he pointed at our team mate.
"I can explain W-" I coughed. "What is happening." I said. "sometime ago I ran out of my house and ran into Sasuke. Telling him to move birdbrain. That night he pushed me into a intake, causing me to get sick. These two were helping me, and Naruto was telling at Duck but, and I was telling Sakura what had happened." I finished.
"that is outside if training. I can't do anything about that. Now we have out first mission." Kakashi said and looked at Sasuke.
"A MISSION! WHAT ARE WE DOING?! " Naruto yelled as he grabbed my arm and started to jump up and down.
"Shut up Naruto!" Sakura yelled at him and hit him on the head. I have to admit she might not be that bad. I thought with a smile.
"We have a report of a. Missing ca-" He was cut off by Naruto.
"WHAT!? A CAT!? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! I'M NOT GOING AFTER A STUPID FUR BALL!" He yelled and his time got hit by me.

Time skip brought to you by My older brother

I stood behind a tree as I Waited for the signal. I watched the target carefully, the ribbon. "it is the target sir. Give us the signal." I whispered into the radio. Then we were told to go, I scooped up the cat that I had been caring for before and smiled at her. She purred and rubbed against me.
"This is more like a chore rather then a mission." I stated and looked at Kakashi as he started to walk to the owners house. Once there I knocked on the door and smiled. "Hello, we have brought your cat back to you." I said to the lady who was over joyed.

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